IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasLarimar/Pectolite


Therapeutic use: removes blocked energy in the area
head, neck and chest, clears the meridians, removes attached entities, draws pain out of the body by applying to pain points, loosens blocked arteries and stiff joints, helps with cartilage problems.
Use: meditation, calmness
Properties: it is a spiritual stone, enables deep meditation, connection with the world of angels and other dimensions, helps to find a kindred spirit, heals heart traumas and traumas from past lives. Removes fear and guilt. Soothes stress. It brings clear and constructive thinking, creative ability and joyful childlike playfulness. It helps women tune into their natural femininity and connect with nature. Eliminates geopathogenic zones.
Color: blue, teal, gray, with white spots
Country of origin: Dominican Republic, Bahamas
Technical description: it got the name Pectolite from the Greek word pektos = "coagulated" or "well joined". They form elongated crystals, more often needle-like fans. Blue specimens from the Bahamas and Dominican Republic are called Larimar.

Degree of hardness: 4.5-5

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