Life = destiny number
You get your life number by adding the entire date of birth, i.e. the day, month and year, so that the sum is reduced so that the numbers from 1 to 9 come out. The numbers 11, 22 and 33 are no longer added.
Date of birth: 19/12/1987
Life number: 1 9 1 2 1 9 8 7 = 38, i.e. 3 8 = 11
Date of birth: 21 March 1943
Life number: 2 1 3 1 9 4 3 = 23, i.e. 2 3 = 5
Positive features | Negative properties |
1 |
leadership skills, boldness, courage, creativity, determination, ambition, pioneering skills |
egocentrism, domineering, laziness, weakness, repression
2 |
cooperation, sensitivity, equanimity, responsibility, ability to love, patience, modesty, helpfulness, intuition
rudeness, weak will, cunning, gullibility, shyness, eccentricity, quarrelsomeness
3 |
optimism, creativity, expressiveness, sociability, happy nature, fun
superficiality, distraction, dullness, mendacity, whining, slander |
4 |
stability, grounding, calmness, pragmatism, discipline, organization, caution |
dogmatism, rudeness, impatience, incompetence, excessive dominance |
5 |
freedom, enthusiasm, cleverness, sensuality, adventure |
rashness, impulsiveness, banality, inability to orientate, indecisiveness, hyperactivity |
6 |
ability to care, responsibility, obedience, kindness, stability, devotion, generosity, intuition, philosophy |
intolerance, dissatisfaction, jealousy, dictatorial tendencies, dogmatism |
7 |
analytical thinking, mysticism, preparedness, wisdom, introspection (examining one's own subjective experiences)
reserve, cynicism, superficiality, anxiety, aloofness, secretiveness
8 |
Prosperity, strength, self-sufficiency, intelligence, cleverness, taste |
materialism, intolerance, ruthlessness, dogmatism, lethargy, unscrupulous
9 |
compassion, tolerance, benevolence, intuition, mysticism, enchantment, idealism, helping
selfishness, impulsiveness, intolerance, insensitivity, irritability
Number one
One means action and leadership. It represents courage and cleverness. She is independent, action-oriented, principled and driven by justice. Initiates change.
The number one energy is Yang. Yang is life energy that is active, dynamic and spirited. In nature, the male element Yang symbolizes bright and creative power, personifies reason and penetration. It provides the power of physical energy.
If it is number one, you are concerned with pure potential and growth.
Number two
Two means harmony and love for the other. It represents partnership and finding a balance to work with another. Two is the most intuitive of all single digits.
The energy of number two is Yin. Jin energy is seen as intuitive, passive and provides quiet spiritual power. In nature, it symbolizes feminine energy, which personifies subtle feminine strength and empathy.
If you are a deuce, balance and partnership are among your priorities in life.
Number three
The three represents creative expression, both written and verbal. She is a creative impulse, full of enthusiasm and humor, potential and hope. It stimulates new ideas.The energy of the number three is Yang. Yang is life energy that is active, dynamic and spirited. In nature, it symbolizes the male element Yang, light and creative power, it personifies reason and penetration. It provides the power of physical energy.
If you are a three, creativity and constant growth are the meaning of your life.
Number four
Four is practical, orderly, patient and logical.
The energy of the number four is Yin. Jin energy is seen as intuitive, passive and provides quiet spiritual power. In nature, it symbolizes feminine energy, which personifies subtle feminine strength and empathy. The four is balanced, very hardworking and loyal, it takes the greatest joy from building something that will last.
If you are a four, you require stability and discipline.
Number five
Five yearns for variety, is curious, full of imagination and childish.
The energy of the number five is Yang. Yang is life energy that is active, dynamic and spirited. In nature, it symbolizes the male element Yang, light and creative power, it personifies reason and penetration. It provides the power of physical energy.
If you are a five, you long for change and you are inherently unstable.
Number six
Six represents the best in harmony, love and marriage. Along with family, responsibility and understanding, a Six can be a perfectionist, but at the same time, they listen and are empathetic.
The energy of the number six is Yin. Jin energy is seen as intuitive, passive and provides quiet spiritual power. In nature, it symbolizes feminine energy, which personifies subtle feminine strength and empathy.
If you are a six, then communication, cooperation and harmony play an important role in your life.
Number seven
Seven is a philosopher, a sage and a person who seeks wisdom. It connects the spiritual and physical worlds, heaven and earth and soul and body.
The energy of the number seven is Yang. Yang is life energy that is active, dynamic and spirited. In nature, it symbolizes the male element Yang, light and creative power, it personifies reason and penetration. It provides the power of physical energy.
If you are a seven, important life topics include self-reflection, evaluation and knowledge.
Number eight
The number eight represents success, abundance and strength. Eights love power and authority in a good sense of the word, they have an entrepreneurial spirit.
The energy of the number eight is Yin. Jin energy is seen as intuitive, passive and provides quiet spiritual power. In nature, it symbolizes feminine energy, which personifies subtle feminine strength and empathy.
If you are an eight, then you strive for action, success and being the best.
Number nine
Nine represents completion and humanity as a whole. It is compassion, romance, dedication, generosity and the ability to love.
The energy of the number nine is Yang. Yang is life energy that is active, dynamic and spirited. In nature, it symbolizes the male element Yang, light and creative power, it personifies reason and penetration. It provides the power of physical energy.
If you are a nine, then you desire to achieve goals, fulfill and realize intentions and plans.
Multi-digit numbers
For the interpretation of multi-digit numbers, the sum that represents the multi-digit number is fundamental. Each digit in a multi-digit number has a higher priority than the following digit.
An example of the meaning of a multi-digit numerology number
1 2 4 = 7
Number 7 means introspection and analytical thinking, number 1 means independence, self-reliance and solitude, number 2 means patience and number 4 indicates diligence and a solid foundation for the future.
These are the numbers 11, 22 and 33, together they are called the Triangle of Enlightenment. The numbers are no longer added.
Championship number 11
Eleven is a messenger, inspirational, resourceful, mystical and energetic. It forms a link between the subconscious and the conscious mind, is highly intuitive and spiritual.
If you are an eleven, you are a visionary.
Master number 22
Twenty-two is a builder, idealistic, competitive, visionary. This number is somewhat demanding and obsessive, it can push you to the very edge. Improvement and progress is possible if you work hard at it.
Championship number 33
Thirty three is a teacher, she is blessed. She is capable of achieving a high level of consciousness and wisdom. She comforts others, personifies self-sacrifice and is idealistic.
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