Lots of mineral news (not only) from Brazil and Madagascar
Expand your collection with exclusive collection crystals and minerals from our new offer . We have just imported a lot of interesting semi-precious stones and minerals from Brazil and Madagascar. We also added some other attractive stones from other countries. Each of these pieces is a unique original and you will not find a stone of the same appearance in the world. In the limited collection you will find, for example, large unique shaped and polished amethysts, beautifully shaped Brazilian agates in the shape of a flame or clouds, polychrome jaspers and bright labradorites from Madagascar, charoites and many other beautiful minerals and semi-precious stones. You can choose from this natural beauty here.
Crystals will enliven your home, induce natural energy, harmony and the necessary peace. Let yourself be carried away by the magical beauty of nature through the collection stones and discover with us the magic of uniqueness and endless color tones.
A hot new item in our offer are also gift or educational sets of semi-precious stones and minerals , which will surely delight the heart of many a lover of stones or become the basis of a future mineral collection of children or grandchildren.