IntroductionMagazineNewsLots of novelties in home decorations, fragrances and candles - dress your home in positive energy and fragrance

Lots of novelties in home decorations, fragrances and candles - dress your home in positive energy and fragrance

Discover news from the world of natural stones, home accessories and original decorations. Discover a world of beauty, pure energy and infinite harmony. Discover the power of aromatherapy, scented candles, waxes and interior fragrances. Surround yourself with positive energy and allow yourself to be loved. Because you deserve it..

We have added a range of new Village Candle scented candles , aroma lamps and scented oils, incense burners and incense sticks.

You can now also choose from home perfume sprays from the premium Italian manufacturer Millefiori Milano . For incense lovers, I've added some great scents from another first-class Italian manufacturer, Fiore d'Oriente.

If you practice yoga, you will certainly welcome the new meditation cushions with nice ethnic motifs, for example woven pictures of elephants.

You can find the entire range of news here:

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