IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasMalachite


Medicinal use: treats sexual imbalance, especially in women, helps with childbirth. It helps with asthma, fractures, dizziness, pancreas, spleen, epilepsy, arthritis, swollen joints. It strengthens the immune system and supports liver detoxification.
Uses: protection, strength, peace, business success, love
Properties: a receptive stone, assigned to the planet Venus and the element Earth.
It is a strong protective stone, especially for children it serves as protection against falls. It protects on trips, absorbs negative energies and removes pollutants from the body. It neutralizes radioactive radiation and electromagnetic pollution. Malachite calms the nervous system and promotes restful sleep. It helps close good deals during business negotiations. Cleanses the chakras, opens the heart to unconditional love, brings psychosomatic problems to the surface. Heals traumas associated with sex in past lives, helps with dyslexia, increases intuition.
It must never be cleaned with salt! Only in the sun placed on a quartz crystal.
Color: deep green, concentrated light and dark green stripes and rosettes
Location: Middle East, Congo, Zaire, Zambia, South Australia, Morocco
Technical description: carbonate, one of the oldest ores of copper - copper hydroxycarbonate, forming renal masses, hairy aggregates and banded stalactites, diamond to silky luster, translucent with perfect cleavage.

Degree of hardness: 3.5-4

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