Nefertitiis fumes

Nefertitis smoking blend Jule - a celebration of rebirth: celebrate abundance, the winter solstice, the lengthening days, and look forward to all that comes with the new year.
Nefertitis smoking blend Jule - celebration of the winter solstice
20 g
in stock
5.17 €3.88 €
Discount -25%

Nefertitis smoke mixture Hour of the Dragon - honor the dragon, support the Yang energy that is active, dynamic and spirited, awaken the male power within you.
Nefertitis smoke mixture Hour of the Dragon
20 g
in stock
7.94 €5.96 €
Discount -25%

Nefertitis Ostara Smoke Blend - a celebration of the spring equinox, balance and rebirth of nature: celebrate the strengthening rays of the sun, harmony, new beginnings. Look forward to all that spring brings.
Nefertitis Ostara smoking blend - a celebration of the spring equinox, balance and nature
20 g
in stock
5.86 €4.40 €
Discount -25%

Nefertitis Imbolc Smudging Blend - A celebration of light, hope and new beginnings: celebrate the return of light and welcome positive energy into your homes. Look forward to all that comes with the new year.
Nefertitis smoking blend Imbolc - a celebration of light, hope and new beginnings
20 g
in stock
5.86 €4.40 €
Discount -25%

Nefertitis Incense Blend Samhain - Celebration of the Harvest: Celebrate the harvest and the beginning of winter, pay respect to your ancestors, use an incense to purify and protect your home.
Nefertitis smoke mixture Samhain - celebration of the harvest
20 g
in stock
5.17 €3.88 €
Discount -25%

Set for expectant mothers from Nefertitis - full of scents and talismans for the most important period in a woman's life.
Nefertitis Fragrant set for expectant mothers
in stock
51.98 €38.99 €
Discount -25%

By Nefertitis Witch Magic Kit for the 21st century witch - full of unique incense burners and tools for various rituals - all with instructions!
Magic set for witches By Nefertitis
in stock
69.32 €51.99 €
Discount -25%

Nefertitis The magic of Christmas - smoker from the Nefertitis workshop for a magically fragrant Christmas atmosphere.
Nefertitis The magic of Christmas smoker
20 g
in stock
3.43 €2.57 €
Discount -25%

Nefertitis Scent of Christmas - scent your festive days with fragrant purple, which we prepared for you with love.
Nefertitis Scent of Christmas Limited edition purple
15 g
not in stock
3.43 €2.57 €
Discount -25%