IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasOlivine/Peridot


Medicinal use: treats the thymus, lungs, heart, bladder, spleen, eyesight, digestive system and ulcers. Soothes, has a regenerative effect on tissues. It works on the skin. Strengthens metabolism, helps with childbirth. Mild depression. Cleanses the liver, is effective after insect bites.
Uses: protection, love, luck, money
Properties: belongs to receptive energy, the element of earth and the planet Venus.
Attracts money, love and luck, used as a protective amulet. Calms anger and nervousness, promotes restful sleep, reflects negativity back to the owner. Cleanses the heart chakra and solar plexus, removes old feelings of guilt and clinging to the past. It promotes rapid spiritual growth. It helps in forgiveness, suppresses jealousy and regret. It helps to accept responsibility for one's own life. Prevents lethargy. Heals problematic relationships.
Color: olive, yellow-green, honey
Country of origin: Brazil, Egypt, USA
Technical description: the minerals form an isomorphic series of forsterite. Translucent, of volcanic origin. Hardness: 6.5-7

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