IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasOpal


Uses: luck, power, money, beauty, mental development
Properties: due to its opalescent appearance, it can be assigned to all energies, planets and elements.
It contains the colors and abilities of all other stones, therefore it can be charged and programmed with any type of energy, it brings happiness and reveals our inner beauty, it awakens psychic and mystical visions, it helps with astral projection, it can absorb and transmit, it is a karmic stone, it teaches us that everything we send out comes back to us, it is also a protective stone and can make us "invisible", helps to discover and manifest our true self, develops our psychic powers, strengthens character traits and reveals personal qualities that need to be transformed, brings into life's light, spontaneity and artistic inclinations. It intensifies feelings and removes inhibitions, induces fidelity and loyalty.
Medicinal use: cures infections and fevers, has a beneficial effect on eyesight, removes premenstrual syndrome, helps with childbirth, cleans the blood and kidneys, and provides overall strength for life.
Location: Australia, New Zealand, India, Honduras, USA, Mexico, Peru, Brazil
Colors: colorless, white, yellow, orange, pink, black, dark blue
Technical description: silicate, hardened silica gel, colored either by iron oxides to yellow and ore, manganese oxides to black, transparent to translucent, vitreous with a strong opalescent luster, without fission. Degree of hardness: 5-6

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