Feng Shui coasters Metatron sacred geometry
Feng Shui coasters Metatron sacred geometry
Wooden Feng Shui coaster Metatron sacred geometry. Diameter approx. 10 cm. Illustrative image. Metatron represents 13 circles connected by straight lines. Circles symbolize the geometric patterns of our universe. It is… more »
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Feng Shui coasters Metatron sacred geometry
Wooden Feng Shui coaster Metatron sacred geometry. Diameter approx. 10 cm. Illustrative image.
Metatron represents 13 circles connected by straight lines. Circles symbolize the geometric patterns of our universe. It is named after the Archangel Metatron, who watches over the energy flow of creation. Metatron is a balanced entity for meditation.
Metatron - This archangel's name does not have an "el" suffix, probably because he was once mortal. His name means "He who sits on the throne beside the throne of God". Metatron is a hardworking archangel who helps people in general and young children in particular to be able to focus. Metatron's color is scarlet, a color that embodies strength, vitality, determination and dedication. This color supports overcoming fear, represents success, strengthens physical strength and endurance.