Registration at the Stamp Office
We are a dealer in precious metals, registered with the Hallmark Office. You can check our registration on the website of the Stamp Office here , enter the name of our company in the appropriate box: Concetta Beauty
We are a direct importer of Ag 925 silver jewelry with precious stones and minerals.
Preview of our registration data at the Stamp Office
According to § 39, paragraph 3) of Act No. 539/1992 Coll., on the hallmarking and testing of precious metals (hallmarking law), as follows from the changes made by Act No. 19/1993 Coll., Act No. 127/2003 Coll. and Act No. 157/2006 Coll., which requires registered dealers in precious metals to display a visible overview of Czech hallmarks, we publish here a complete overview of all Czech hallmarks: