IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasRhodochrosite


Medicinal use: helps with migraines, respiratory diseases and asthma, improves eyesight and heart rhythm, cleanses the kidneys and circulatory system, acts on the skin, normalizes blood pressure, dilates blood vessels, relieves migraines and gives strength to the sexual organs.
Usage: love, peace, energy
Properties: belongs to projective energy, element of fire, planet Mars. It provides extraordinary energy during increased physical activity, calms the body and emotions, relieves stress, has dynamic and positive tendencies. It brings love and compassion, heals the effects of sexual abuse, helps the heart reconcile with rejection and pain. Cleanses the base chakra and solar plexus. It brings the truth to the surface and teaches how to understand it. It banishes depression, improves mental and intellectual abilities, teaches awareness of one's worth and brings light into our lives.
Colors: pink to orange, brown, gray
Location: Argentina, USA, South Africa, Romania, Mexico, Russia, Japan
Technical description: carbonate, manganese carbonate, part of the manganese replaces iron, calcium and sometimes magnesium in most cases, vitreous to pearly luster, transparent to slightly translucent, perfectly fissile. Degree of hardness: 3.5 – 4.

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