IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasRot


Color: light green, yellow, pinkish.

Medicinal use: it is traditionally used to support the immune system and improve metabolism. It balances the meridians, is suitable for inducing calmness and thereby lowering blood pressure.

Properties: rot helps us to increase our own efforts in the search for truth, wisdom and understanding. His olive ray indicates receptivity to new ideas and thoughts. Olive awakens abilities in us and supports their development, helps us achieve set goals and focus on completing our plans.

Personal stone: the olive color of prehnite is the traditional color of people born under the sign of Gemini, i.e. in the months of May and June, from May 22 to June 21.
Olive-colored stones are called "stones of learning", reflect truth and harmony, mean awareness, change, strengthening the ability to listen, independence, searching for the meaning of the essence, dealing with discouragement.
Prehnit helps to solve spiritual and mental problems, suppress worries, fears and doubts. It harmonizes the heart chakra, helping to balance the mind and the physical side, thoughts, experiences, dreams and reality. Its strong energy suppresses sorrows from lost love and partner relationships.

Rot as a talisman: Rot is a traditional talisman for mental and spiritual problems, it suppresses fear, anxiety and doubts that can literally paralyze a person and make life complicated. It is used when trying to balance mind and body, thoughts and experiences, dreams and reality. Its energy is strong, it suppresses the traumas of failed relationships and lost love.
Prehnit is suitable for meditation, for increasing concentration on a given task. Placed on the table, it should ensure calmness, attention and the ability to learn.
Prehnite is a favorite stone of psychotronics, especially psychics. It is an excellent protective stone, it brings calm and peace.
It promotes unconditional love, spiritual growth and intuition . It increases the ability to recognize the truth in everyday life, helps to harmonize and align our will with our heart.

Feng Shui: in Feng Shui uses the energy of wood, the energy of growth, development, new beginnings, nutrition and health. It helps increase vitality and brings abundance. It is suitable for any room where you eat, a small child's room or where a new project starts. The energy of wood is traditionally associated with the eastern and southeastern parts of a room, apartment or house. Strengthens family, health, prosperity and abundance.

Technical description: inosilicate (chain silicate).

Degree of hardness: 6-6.5.

Cleaning method: the most suitable way to clean and recharge energy is to wash in lukewarm water once a month.

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