IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasRuby and ruby in zoisite - what are their effects?

Ruby and ruby in zoisite - what are their effects?

Ruby and ruby in zoisite - effects

Ruby is a gemstone consisting mainly of corundum and occurs from pink to red, which is caused by a mixture of chromium. The sites are eg Sri Lanka, India, Mexico, Madagascar, Tanzania, but also other areas, the degree of hardness is 9.

Minerals - ruby crystals

Ruby as a talisman

Ruby has been used since ancient times as a protective amulet against poison, plague, evil thoughts and evil spirits, to maintain health and stimulate the mind.

Ruby in legends

Ruby as a gemstone has historically been valued in many cultures. For example, the Hindus called him the king of precious stones or gemstone.

In ancient Burma, legends said that ruby strengthens invulnerability and protects against spears, swords or other weapons.
Ruby powder has been used to treat eye diseases. Ruby has been used to strengthen vital signs, drive away melancholy, and restore lost strength.

Rubies are considered gems suitable as wedding jewelry. They are associated with love, marriage, balance and harmony. Rubies are suitable as a gift for the 15th or 40th wedding anniversary.

Minerals - ruby - cut heart

Some rubies exhibit asterism, a light effect resembling a star. Such rubies were considered stones of fortune. The ruby is still considered a stone of wealth, a talisman of prosperity and peace.

Ruby in traditions

Ruby is the personal stone of people born in the sign of Scorpio , ie from October 24 to November 22.

Red minerals are needed whenever it is necessary to support action, increase energy, belief, encourage courage, become fearless, be brave, increase inner strength and success . Use these stones as helpers to achieve self-confidence, success and set goals.

Ruby - effects

Ruby has been considered a stone of wealth and protection for centuries. Its deep red color is believed to stimulate longing for life and sexual activity. Folk traditions are said to drive away sadness and negative thinking. Many people use ruby as a talisman to form a shield against all kinds of attacks. The red color of ruby represents strength and energy.
Ruby is traditionally used to encourage creativity and encourage inspiration.

Ruby in zoisite - effects


Zoisit brings encouragement , releases ancient memories and helps us deal with them. It helps us overcome self-destructive tendencies and inspires us to take life into our own hands.

If the effects of ruby or ruby in zoisite are mentioned, or you are looking for medicinal effects in one of the internet search engines, they cannot be confused, for example, with therapeutic effects, which must be substantiated by a clinical evaluation. However, with some drugs, some diseases have a placebo effect due to the patient's belief in treatment.

Ruby and chakras

Ruby is used to harmonize the root, also the basic chakra: Muladhara, the 1st chakra positively affects sexuality, sensuality and desire, stability and a sense of security. Its color is red, symbolizing energy, passion, strength, courage and love.

The basic, root chakra connects us to the physical world. It gives us the strength to assert ourselves and persevere. The basic chakra is the vital basis and source of vital force for the higher chakras.
When the first chakra is open and works harmoniously, we experience a deep connection with the Earth, vitality, satisfaction and inner strength. Conversely, when the chakra is blocked or closed, the body structure is weak and we have little suffocation.

Location: located at the lower end of the spine between the genitals and the anus.

Create your own blend of essential oils that you can smell through an aroma lamp or aroma diffuser.

1 tablespoon milk
1 drop of patchouli
3 drops of tangerine
2 drops of ginger
- add carnelian or ruby to the mixture.

Imagine a swirling red color and repeat it out loud or in thought:
I'm safe.
I'm fearless.
I feel stable.
I am worthy of love.
I feel a connection with Mother Earth.
I'm safe.

It is advisable to practice yoga to unblock the chakras. You can find exercises for individual chakras here.

Ruby and Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, ruby represents the energy of fire , the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness and activity, the energy of heat, action, emotion and passion. In nature, it represents the energy of Yang. The element Yang means active and joyful energy. It is an element of the day. In nature, this element is represented by the elements of Fire and Wind. Yang is an active, dynamic and spirited life energy. In nature, the male element symbolizes Yang, light and creative power, personifying reason and penetration. Provides the power of physical energy.

The energy of fire is traditionally associated with the southern area of the house, apartment or room and ensures the reputation of the dwelling and its own position within the family.

Which place is best for ruby placement in terms of Feng Shui?

According to the Bagua regions: the northeast is most suitable for promoting spiritual growth, the southeastern region promotes wealth and abundance, and the southern part prestige and reputation. The Li area - to the south, represents a position in the community, fame and reputation.

Ruby is one of the wonderful minerals that you should definitely think about, whether in the form of a tumbled piece, jewelry, a tree of happiness, a bracelet or even a keychain.

She wrote the article for you on October 23, 2021: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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