IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesSacral Chakra - Svadhisthana

Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana

Sacral, also sexual and cross chakra Svadhisthana, the 2nd chakra positively influences basic emotions, relationships, pleasure, joy and creativity. Its color is orange, it symbolizes joy, friendship, family togetherness and physical pleasure. Orange is the most amazing color for its natural power and action, it is the color of people born at the end of summer, i.e. August 23 to September 22 under the sign of Virgo.

Svadhisthana sacral chakra is the center of original, unfiltered emotions, sexual energy and creative powers. It is assigned to the element of water, from which all living things arise. Through this chakra we have access to the fertilizing and welcoming energies that permeate nature.
The second chakra merges the astral plane with the level of fun, fantasy, nothingness, jealousy, envy, joy and mercy.

With the correct functioning of the second chakra, life gives us pleasure, we are optimistic, relaxed, and we can adapt to life's demands. Improper function or blockage of energy will cause a lack of self-acceptance, self-love and ego.

Location: it is located in the abdomen, between the pubic bone and the navel.

Color: orange.

Element: water.

Sensory function: taste.

Basic principle: to feel, creative reproduction of being.

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