Safety data sheet - yarrow essential oil
Date de création : 30/11/2022Version 1.0 revision : /
Date of
Date of creation 30/11/2022 Version 1.0 date of revision : /
RUBRIQUE 1: IDENTIFICATION DE LA SUBSTANCE / DU MELANGE ET DE LA SOCIETE/L'ENTREPRISE 1.1 Identifier du produit a) Commercial name: EUCALYPTUS 65 BIO HE1102 EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS LEAF OIL Number Enreg. REACH : 01-2119978250-37-0000 CAS number : 8000-48-4 b) Refer to section 3: Composition / Information on components 1.2 Utilisations identificées pertinentes de la substance ou du mélange et utilizations déconseillées. 1.3 Renseignements concernant le fournisseur de la fiche de données de sécurité Supplier Address City MARION BIAT CHASSEUR D'ESSENCES 4 RUE PLUMET France 1.4 Emergency call number. ORFILA (INRS) : 33 1 45 42 59 59 |
SECTION 1 : IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING 1.1 Product identifier a) Commercial name EUCALYPTUS 65 BIO HE1102 EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS LEAF OIL Record Number REACH: 01-2119978250-37-0000 CAS Number: 8000-48-4 b) Refer to section 3: Composition / Information on ingredients 1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet
Supplier Address City Country Telephone Email MARION BIAT CHASSEUR D'ESSENCES 4 RUE PLUMET France 1.4 Emergency telephone number ORFILA (INRS) : 33 1 45 42 59 59 |
SECTION 2: IDENTIFICATION OF DANGERS 2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture |
SECTION 2 : HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION 2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture |
Classification in accordance with Regulation (CE) n° 1272 / 2008 (CLP)
Asp. Tox. 1 Danger by aspiration 1 H304 : Peut être mortel en cas d'ingestion et de pénétré dans les voies respiratoires.
Aquatic Chronic 2 Dangers pour le milieu aquatice - chronique 2 H411 : Toxique pour les organismes aquaticiques, entraigne des effets néfastes à long terme.
Flam. Liq. 3 Liquids inflammables 3 H226 : Liquids and vapors inflammables.
Skin Irritation. 2 Corrosion cutanée / Irritation cutanée 2 H315 : Provoque une irritation cutanée.
Skin Sens. 1A Sensitization cutaneous 1A H317 : May cause
a skin allergy.
2.2 Labelling elements
Labeling in accordance with Regulation (CE) n°1272/2008 (CLP) Pictogrammes de danger
Warning notice : DANGER
Asp. Tox. 1 Danger of aspiration 1
Aquatic Chronic 2 Dangers pour le milieu aquatic - chronique 2 Flam. Liq. 3 Liquids inflammables 3
Skin Irritation. 2 Corrosion cutanée / Irritation cutanée 2
Skin Sens. 1A Skin sensitization 1A
H411 - Toxic for aquatic organisms, causing long-term adverse effects.
Advice of caution:
H226 - Flammable liquids and vapors.
H304 - Peut être mortel en cas d'ingestion et de pénétré dans les voies respiratoires.
H315 - Causes skin irritation.
H317 - May cause skin allergy.
In accordance with Regulation (EC) N°1272/2008 (CLP)
Asp. Tox. 1 Aspiration hazard 1 H304: May be fatal if
ingestion and penetration into the respiratory tract.
Aquatic Chronic 2 Hazards for the aquatic environment - chronic 2 H411: Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Flam. Liq. 3 Flammable liquids 3 H226: Liquid and vapors
Skin Irritation. 2 Skin corrosion / Irritation 2 H315: Causes skin irritation.
Skin Sens. 1A Skin sensitization 1A H317: May cause
and skin allergies.
2.2 Label elements
Labeling in accordance with Regulation (EC) n°1272/2008 (CLP) Pictograms
Signal word: DANGER
H statements:
Asp. Tox. 1 Aspiration hazard 1
Aquatic Chronic 2 Hazards for the aquatic environment - chronic 2 Flam. Liq. 3 Flammable liquids 3
Skin Irritation. 2 Skin Corrosion / Skin Irritation 2
Skin Sens. 1A Skin sensitization 1A
H226 - Flammable liquid and vapor.
H304 - May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. H315 - Causes skin irritation.
H317 - May cause an allergic skin reaction.
H411 - Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
P statements :
P210 - Tenir à l'écart de la chaleur, des surfaces chaudes, des étincelles, des flammes nues et de toute
autre source d'inflammation. Not a smoker.
P233 - Keep the container tightly sealed.
P241 - Utilizer du matériel électrique/de ventilation/d'éclairage/ .../anti-deflagrant.
P242 - Ne pas utiliser d'outils produisant des étincelles.
P210 - Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and all other sources of inflammation. Well, a tuxedo.
P233 - Keep the container tightly closed.
P241 - Use explosion-proof electrical / ventilating / lighting / ... / equipment. P242 - Do not use tools that produce sparks.
P243 - Take precautionary measures against electrostatic discharge. P264 - Wash ... thoroughly after handling
2.3 Other dangers:
Content: Eucalyptol, d-Limonene, p-Cymene, 2,6,6-trimethyl-bicyclo-2-heptene, Myrcene
P243 - Take precautionary measures against electrostatic discharge.
P264 - Se laver ... soigneusement après manipulation
2.3 Other Hazards
Contains Eucalyptol, d-Limonene, p-Cymene, 2,6,6-trimethyl-bicyclo-2-heptene, Myrcene
3.1 Substances
Matière / Material CAS / CAS EINECS / EINECS Symbole danger / Risk Symbol Percentage % / Percent % |
Eucalyptol (No REACH : 01-2119967772-24-0000) |
470-82-6 |
207-431-5 |
Flam. Liq. 3, Skin Sens. 1B - H226, H317 |
> 50% |
d-Limonene |
138-86-3 |
205-341-0 |
Asp. Tox. 1, Aquatic Acute 1, Aquatic Chronic 1, Flam. Liq. 3, Skin Irritation. 2, Skin Sens. 1B - H226, H304, H315, H317, H400, H410 |
[ 5-10 ] |
2,6,6-trimethyl-bicyclo-2-heptene |
80-56-8 |
201-291-9 |
Asp. Tox. 1, Aquatic Acute 1, Aquatic Chronic 1, Flam. Liq. 3, Skin Irritation. 2, Skin Sens. 1B - H226, H304, H315, H317, H400, H410 |
[ 1-5 ] |
p-Cymene 99-87-6 202-796-7 Asp. Tox. 1, Aquatic Chronic 2, Flam. [1-5] Liq. 3 - H226, H304, H411 |
Beta-Pinene 127-91-3 204-872-5 Asp. Tox. 1, Aquatic Acute 1, Aquatic [ 0-1 ] Chronic 1, Flam. Liq. 3, Skin Irritation. 2, |
Myrcene 123-35-3 204-622-5 Asp. Tox. 1, Eye Irritation. 2, Flam. Liq. 3, [ 0-1 ] Skin Irrit. 2 - H226, H304, H315, H319
Skin Sens. 1B - H226, H304, H315, H317, H400, H410
Asp. Tox. 1, Aquatic Acute 1, Aquatic Chronic 1, Flam. Liq. 3, Skin Sens. 1B -
H226, H304, H317, H400, H410
[ 0-1 ]
Asp. Tox. 1, Aquatic Acute 1, Aquatic Chronic 1, Flam. Liq. 3 - H226, H304,
H400, H410
[ 0-1 ]
3.2. Mélanges Non concerned
Autre Information : Pour le texte intégrale des phrases de risque citées, se référer à la rubrique 16
3.2 Mixtures Not concerned
Other information: The complete text of the risk phrases is given in section 16
4.1 Description of first aid
General notes:
En cas de doute, toujours faire appel à un médecin.
En cas d'inhalation : En cas d'inhalation excessive, emmener la personne à l'air libre et la maintenir en position de repos. Consult a doctor.
In case of contact with the skin : Immediately remove the contaminated clothing, wash the skin with water and soap and rinse thoroughly for at least 20 minutes. If irritation persists, consult a doctor.
En cas de contact avec les yeux : Si vous portez des lentilles de contact, retirez-les. En cas de contact avec les yeux, rincer abondamment les yeux avec de l'eau pendant une vingtaine de minutes. Si une irritation persists, ou
4.1 Description of first aid measures
General Notes:
If in doubt, always call a doctor.
Inhalation: if inhaled remove to fresh air and keep at rest. See a doctor.
Contact with skin: Remove contaminated clothing immediately, wash skin with soap and water and rinse thoroughly for at least 20 minutes. If irritation persists, or if lesions appear, consult a physician.
Contact with eyes: If you wear contact lenses, remove them. In case of contact with eyes, rinse eyes thoroughly with water for about 20 minutes. If irritation persists, or if lesions appear, consult a physician.
if lesions appear, consult a doctor. En cas d'ingestion : Rincer la bouche avec de l'eau. Ne rien donner à boire. Ne pas tenter de faire vomir et appeler un médecin. 4.2 Main symptoms and acute and different effects NOT CONCERNED 4.3 Indication of possible immediate medical care and particular treatments |
If swallowed: Rinse mouth with water. Do not give anything to drink. Do not induce vomiting and call a physician. 4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed NOT CONCERNED 4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed |
RUBRIQUE 5 : MESURES DE LUTTE CONTRE L'INCENDIE Classe d'inflammabilité : Le produit est inflammable. 5.1 Moyens d'extinction 5.2 Dangers particuliers resulting from the substance or mixture 5.3 Advice for firefighters
Moyens d'extinction appropriables : En cas d'incendie, utiliser de l'eau pulverizeée (ou en brouillard) et des extinguisheurs appropriables (CO2, poudre d'extinction, ...) Moyens d'extinction inappropriés : Ne pas diriger un jet d'eau directement sur le produit enflammé.
Classe d'inflammabilité : Le produit est inflammable. In case of fire, toxic fumes of carbon monoxide (CO) or carbon dioxide (CO2) can be produced. L'exposition aux produits de décomposition peut comporter des risques pour la santé. Do not breathe fumes. |
SECTION 5 : FIREFIGHTING MEASURES Flammability class: The product is flammable. 5.1 Extinguishing media 5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture 5.3 Advice for firefighters
Appropriate extinction method : In case of fire, use water spray (or fog) and appropriate fire extinguishers (CO2, powder ...) Inappropriate extinction method : In case of fire, never use direct water stream.
Flammability : The product is flammable. In case of fire, toxic fumes of carbon monoxide (CO) or carbon dioxide (CO2) may be produced. Exposure to decomposition products may be hazardous to health. Do not breathe fumes. |
RUBRIQUE 6 : MESURES A PRENDRE EN CAS DE DISPERSION ACCIDENTELLE 6.1 Individual precautions, protection equipment and emergency procedures.
SECTION 6 : ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES 6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures |
Prevent someone responsible.
Se référer aux mesures de protection enumérées dans les rubriques 7 et 8.
For non-first responders:
Eviter d'inhaler les vapeurs. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Si besoin, faire évacuer le personnel par des opérateurs entrainés et munis d'équipements de protection
For first responders:
Les équipements de protection individuelle appropriates seront nécessaire (se reférer à la rubrique 8).
6.2 Precautions for the protection of the environment
6.3 Methods and material of confinement and cleaning
6.4 References and other sections
Refer to sections 8 and 13 for information on exposure control, individual protection and elimination.
Empêcher toute contamination du sol et de l'eau, tout écoulement dans les égouts, caniveaux, rivières.
Avertir les authorities si le produit pénétre dans les égouts ou dans les eaux du domaine public.
Endigage avec du sable ou de la terre de diatomée, pumping et rinçage à l'eau après récupération des déchets en fûts plastiques specifiques et étiquetés à remettre en suite à un récupérateur agréét.
Prevent a manager.
Refer to protective measures listed in sections 7 and 8.
For non-emergency personnel:
Avoid breathing vapors. Avoid all contact with skin and eyes. If necessary, evacuate staff by trained operators equipped with safety equipment
For emergency responders:
Appropriate personal protective equipment will be required (refer to Section 8).
6.2 Environmental precautions
6.3 Methods and material for containment and cleaning up
6.4 References to other sections
Refer to sections 8 and 13 for information on exposure control, personal protection and disposal.
Prevent contamination of soil and water, while entering into drains, ditches and rivers.
Notify authorities if the product penetrates into the sewers or public waters.
Diking with sand or diatomaceous earth, pumping and rinsing with water after recovery of the waste in specific plastic drums and labeled to be returned to an authorized collector
7.1 Precautions to be taken for handling without danger
7.1 Precautions for safe handling
Se laver les mains après chaque utilization
Reproduire l'étiquetage si transvasement dans un autre contenant. Assurer une ventilation adequate.
Prévoir des douches de sécurité et des fontaines oculaires.
Fire prevention:
Interdire l'accès aux personnes non autorisés. Manipule dans des zones bien ventilées.
Wash hands after use.
Reproduction of labeling if transferred to another container. Ensure adequate ventilation.
Provide safety showers and eye washes.
Fire prevention:
Prevent access by unauthorized persons. Handle in well ventilated areas.
7.2 Conditions nécessaires pour assurer la sécurité du stockage, tenant compte d'éventualles incompatibilités
7.3 Utilization finale particulière NON CONCERNE.
Conserve les receptables bien fermés éloignés de source de chaleur et protégés des températures extrêmes.
Keep containers closed hors de leur utilization.
Toujours conserver dans des emballages appropriates (materiau identique à celui d'origine).
Equipment and procedures:
Pour les équipements de protection individuelle, se reférer à la rubrique 8. Observe les précautions indiquees sur l'étiquette et les règlements de la protection du travail.
Refermer les emballages après utilization.
Eviter l'inhalation des vapeurs et tout contact avec la peau ou les yeux.
7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities
7.3 Specific end use(s) NOT CONCERNED
Keep tightly closed containers away from heat sources and protected from extreme temperatures.
Keep containers closed when not in use.
Always keep in appropriate packages (identical to the original material).
Equipment and procedures:
For personal protection, see Section 8.
Observe precautions stated on the label and regulations of labor protection.
Close the packaging after use.
Avoid inhalation of vapors and contact with skin or eyes.
8.1 Parameters of control
8.2 Exposure controls
Mesures de protection individuelle, telles que les Équipements de Protection Individuelle
Individual protection equipment :
Protection des mains : Porter des gants.
Protection of eyes : Non obligatoire mais conseillée.
Respiratory protection : Porter un masque.
Protection du corps : Porter un vêtement de travail regularly nettoyé. En cas de contact, toutes les parties soilillees durée être lavées.
Mesures d'ordre technique : Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Don't interfere. Avoid contact with food and drinks.
Ne pas manger, ne pas boire et ne pas fumer pendant l'utilisation. Pictogramme(s) d'obligation du port d'équipements de protection
Valeurs limites d'exposition professionnelle (France INRS - ED984 07/2012) - VME ( 8 hr) Aucun composant
- VLE (15 mn) No component
8.1 Control parameters
8.2 Exposure controls
Individual protection measures, such as Personal Protective Equipment Personal protective equipment :
Hand protection : Wear gloves.
Eye protection : Not required but recommended.
Respiratory protection : Wear a mask.
Body protection : Wear regularly cleaned work clothing. In case of contact, all soiled parts should be washed.
Technical measures : Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Do not ingest. Avoid contact with food, drinks. Do not eat, drink or smoke while using. Pictogram(s) of obligation to wear personal protective equipment (PPE):
Exposure limit (France INRS - ED984 07/2012) - VME ( 8 hr) No component
- VLE (15 mn) No component
individual (EPI):
RUBRIQUE 9 : PROPRIETES PHYSIQUES ET CHEMIQUES 9.1 Information on physical properties and essential chemicals Appearance Color Smell Olfactory threshold
SECTION 9 : PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical properties Appearance Color Odor Odor threshold Flash point
Temperature of decomposition Viscosity
Explosive properties
Comburantes properties. Pharmacopoeia:
9.2 Other information NOT CONCERNED
Decomposition temperature Viscosity
Explosive properties Oxidizing properties Pharmacopoeia
9.2 Other information NOT CONCERNED
Conforme à la Pharmacopée Européenne
Conforms to the European Pharmacopoeia
10.1 Reactivity
10.2 Chemical stability
10.3 Possibility of dangerous reactions
10.4 Conditions to avoid
Eviter les sources de chaleur excessive (flamme, étincelles, ...).
10.5 Incompatible materials
10.6 Hazardous decomposition products
Pas de produits de décomposition dangereux known
Aucune réaction dangereuse lors du stockage et de la manipulation conformant aux dispositions.
Produit stable lors du stockage et de la manipulation conformant aux dispositions.
Aucune réaction dangereuse lors du stockage et de la manipulation conformant aux dispositions.
Thermal decomposition / conditions to avoid :
Pas de décomposition en cas d'usage conforme.
Éviter le contact avec toute flamme ou étincelle. Evater les surchauffes et les rayons direct du soleil.
Hazardous decomposition products :
10.1 Reactivity
10.2 Chemical stability
Stable product during storage and handling according to specifications.
10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions
10.4 Conditions to avoid
Avoid excessive heat (flames, sparks, ...).
10.5 Incompatible materials NOT CONCERNED
10.6 Hazardous decomposition products
Thermal decomposition / conditions to be avoided:
No decomposition if used according to specifications.
Avoid contact with any flame or spark. Avoid overheating and direct sunlight. Hazardous decomposition products:
No known hazardous decomposition products
No dangerous reactions during storage and handling according to specifications.
No dangerous reactions during storage and handling according to specifications.
11.1 Information on toxicological effects
11.1 Information on toxicological effects.
Informations sur les effets toxicologiques : Aucune donnée disponible.
Acute toxicity:
Oral (mg/kg) : 4,440.10 (Determined) Inhalation (mg/kg) : Not Determined Cutaneous (mg/kg) : 0.00 (Estimated)
Information on toxicological effects: No data available.
Acute toxicity :
· Oral (mg / kg): 4,440.10 (Determined) · Inhalation (mg / kg): Not determined · Dermal (mg / kg): 0.00 (estimated)
12.1 Toxicity
12.2 Persistence et dégradabilité NON CONCERNE
12.3 Potentiel de bioaccumulation NON CONCERNE
12.4 Mobility dans le sol NON CONCERNE
12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB evaluations NON CONCERNE
12.6 Autres effets néfastes NON CONCERNE
Ne pas laisser le produit, non dilué ou en grande quantité, pénétre la nappe phréatique, les eaux ou les canalisations.
12.1 Toxicity
Do not allow the product, undiluted or in large quantities, to enter the water table, water or pipes.
12.2 Persistence and degradability NOT CONCERNED
12.3 Bioaccumulative potential NOT CONCERNED
12.4 Mobility in soil NOT CONCERNED
12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB assessment NOT CONCERNED
12.6 Other adverse effects NOT CONCERNED
13.1 Waste treatment methods
Déchets : Ne pas évacuer avec les ordures ménagères. Ne pas déverser dans les égouts ou cours d'eau.
13.1 Waste treatment methods
Waste: Do not dispose of with household waste. Do not discharge into sewers or streams.
14.1 UN number
14.2 Nom d'expédition des Nations unies
IATA : EXTRAITS AROMATIQUES LIQUIDES 14.3 Classe(s) de danger pour le transport
IATA : 3
14.4 Packaging group
14.1 UN number
14.2 UN proper shipping name
14.3 Transport hazard class(es)
14.4 Packing group
ADR : 1169 ( Code tunnel :(D/E) ) IMDG : 1169
IATA : 1169
Customs Tariff: 33012941
ADR : 1169 ( Code tunnel :(D/E) ) IMDG : 1169
IATA : 1169
Custom tariff:33012941
ADR : 3 IMDG : 3
ADR : 3 IMDG : 3 IATA : 3
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14.5 Dangers pour l'environnement IMDG : NON CONCERNE
14.6 Particular precautions to be taken by the user NON CONCERNE
14.7 Transport in bulk in accordance with Annex II of the MARPOL 73/78 Convention and the IBC Code
14.5 Environmental hazards IMDG: NOT CONCERNED
14.6 Special precautions for users NOT CONCERNED
14.7 Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL73/78 and the IBC code
15.1 Regulations/législation particulière à la substance ou au mélange en matière de sécurité, de santé et d'environnement
Classe de contamination de l'eau (Allemagne): WGK 3
15.2 Evaluation of chemical safety
Contient d-Limonene, 2,6,6-trimethyl-bicyclo-2-heptene, Myrcene : Peut provocare des allergies
15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture
Water contamination class (Germany): WGK 3
15.2 Chemical Safety Assessment
Contains d-Limonene, 2,6,6-trimethylbicyclo-2-heptene, Myrcene: May cause allergies
Full text of the phrases H, P mentioned in the document :
Full H, P sentences text in this document :
H226 Flammable liquid and vapour.
H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. H315 Causes skin irritation.
H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction.
H319 Causes serious eye irritation.
H400 Very toxic to aquatic organisms.
H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects
H226 Flammable liquid and vapors.
H304 Peut être mortel en cas d'ingestion et de pénétré dans les voies respiratoires.
H315 Causes skin irritation.
H317 May cause skin allergy.
H319 Causes severe eye irritation.
H400 Very toxic to aquatic organisms.
H410 Très toxic pour les organismes aquaticiques, entraigne des effets néfastes à long terme.
H411 Toxic for aquatic organisms, causes long-term adverse effects
ADR : European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road.
IMDG : International Maritime Dangerous Goods.
IATA : International Air Transport Association.
WGK : Wassergefahrdungsklasse (Water Hazard Class). PBT : Persistent, Bioaccumulative, Toxic.
vPvB : very Persistent, very Bioaccumulative.
ADR : European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road.
IMDG : International Maritime Dangerous Goods.
IATA : International Air Transport Association.
WGK : Wassergefahrdungsklasse (Water Hazard Class). PBT : Persistent, Bioaccumulative, Toxic.
vPvB : very Persistent, very Bioaccumulative
Fiche de Données de Sécurité selon le règlement (CE) n° 1272/2008 Material security data sheet according to (EC) n° 1272/2008
Ces indications sont fondée sur l'état actuel de nos connaissances, mais ne constituent pas une garantie quant aux properties du produit et ne donnent pas lieu à un rapport juridique contractuel.
Il est toujours de la responsabilité de l'utilisateur de prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires pour réponder aux exigences des lois et regulations locales.
These indications are based on the current state of our knowledge, but do not constitute a guarantee as for the properties of the product and do not give place to a contractual legal report.
It is always the responsibility of the user to take all necessary measures to meet the requirements of local laws and regulations.