IntroductionMagazineStones according to the ZodiacSagittarius in the color language of amethyst

Sagittarius in the color language of amethyst



People born between November 23 and December 21, i.e. SAGITTARIUS, are traditionally assigned precious stones of amethyst color.

Sagittarius belongs to the fire signs and is ruled by the planet Jupiter. This sign is characterized by a sense of justice, honesty, enthusiasm and hard work with a systematic approach. If they are impetuous, they are grumpy and attribute failure to the environment.

Precious stones for Sagittarius are: blue agate, amethyst , aventurine (green), azurite, charoite , dioptas, dumortierite, garnet, chalcedony, chrysocol, chrysoprase, iolite, kunzite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, malachite, obsidian, opal, ruby, sapphire, sodalite, sugilite, tanzanite, topaz, tourmaline, turquoise, amethyst, zoisite.

Amethyst = creativity, perception, self-knowledge and understanding.
Its red-violet rays connect time, which is the transition between the ending of the old year and the beginning of the new year, it heralds the onset of winter, it is the connection between the beginning and the end, it completes the great circle of life.
Amethyst is called the crystal of creativity. In the spring, we are again ready for new beginnings, new knowledge. It is the personal stone of people born at the time when the old year leaves and the new year reaches the winter solstice, i.e. November 23 to December 21, people born under the sign of Sagittarius.
Amethyst combines the fiery passion of the red ray and the intuition of the violet color. It helps to see into our emotions and logic, making it a stone of vision, understanding and self-knowledge.

Amethyst is used to support artistic inspiration and creativity. It enhances originality and is used to reveal hidden qualities. It is useful for creative professions such as composers, inventors, poets and painters as a talisman.


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When do we need dark amethyst stones?
When we need to find the right path for the future, find understanding and strengthen the perception of the consequences of our decisions.

Amethyst stones of lighter shades help to look into our souls and to know and understand ourselves. They are important for knowledge, enlightenment, self-esteem, strengthening one's knowledge and overcoming conceit.

Even though precious stones, semi-precious stones and crystals in the color of amethyst are intended primarily for people born under the sign of Sagittarius, this does not mean that someone else cannot have them, especially for their positive effects in the physical, mental and spiritual spheres, but maybe just so, perhaps because they are beautiful, or for joy and pleasure!

Healing stones

Important notice: all the information given here about the healing properties of precious stones, semi-precious stones and minerals is only informative, drawn from generally known information and sources. They are not instructions for bypassing classical treatment . Always remember that the use of precious healing stones is not an alternative method to conventional medical care! If you feel the symptoms of any illness, always see your doctor! Use healing stone abilities only as a supplement to conventional healing, not as a replacement.

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"IMPORTANT NOTICE TO OUR READERS AND BUYERS: Please be aware that the use of precious stones and/or minerals is not an alternative to conventional medical treatment! In case you have symptoms of any illness, always seek your general practitioner or an outpatient specialist! Please note that there no minerals or precious stones can have a physical effect against cancer, leukaemia or any other malignant diseases, or diseases that may have negative impact on health. Please be strongly advised that all information presented herein, as well as any information on any page at the website that informs about metaphysical properties of precious stones, semi-precious stones and minerals that are referred to as ""healing"" stones in folk myths and traditions, is for informational purposes only, coming from commonly known sources of information. The sources are millennia-old myths and traditions regarding the use of minerals and precious stones in folk healing, published in mass media (both printed and online), as well as commonly available literature - books where the assumed effects on the human body and psyche are published. This information, widespread in society, is not a guide to bypassing conventional treatment through scientifically proven medical procedures and medical preparations with proven effects. With few exceptions, the so-called ""healing"" powers of minerals and precious stones, as well as products made from and with them, are not in any way scientifically proven and stem solely from folk tradition and myths."

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