IntroductionMagazineHoroscopesSagittarius in the color language of amethyst
Sagittarius in the color language of amethyst
People born between November 23 and December 21, i.e. SAGITTARIUS, are traditionally assigned precious stones of amethyst color.
Sagittarius belongs to the fire signs and is ruled by the planet Jupiter. This sign is characterized by a sense of justice, honesty, enthusiasm and hard work with a systematic approach. If they are impetuous, they are grumpy and attribute failure to the environment.
Precious stones for Sagittarius are: blue agate, amethyst , aventurine (green), azurite, charoite , dioptas, dumortierite, garnet, chalcedony, chrysocol, chrysoprase, iolite, kunzite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, malachite, obsidian, opal, ruby, sapphire, sodalite, sugilite, tanzanite, topaz, tourmaline, turquoise, amethyst, zoisite.
Amethyst = creativity, perception, self-knowledge and understanding.
Its red-violet rays connect time, which is the transition between the ending of the old year and the beginning of the new year, it heralds the onset of winter, it is the connection between the beginning and the end, it completes the great circle of life.
Amethyst is called the crystal of creativity. In the spring, we are again ready for new beginnings, new knowledge. It is the personal stone of people born at the time when the old year leaves and the new year reaches the winter solstice, i.e. November 23 to December 21, people born under the sign of Sagittarius.
Amethyst combines the fiery passion of the red ray and the intuition of the violet color. It helps to see into our emotions and logic, making it a stone of vision, understanding and self-knowledge.
Amethyst is used to support artistic inspiration and creativity. It enhances originality and is used to reveal hidden qualities. It is useful for creative professions such as composers, inventors, poets and painters as a talisman.
When do we need dark amethyst stones?
When we need to find the right path for the future, find understanding and strengthen the perception of the consequences of our decisions.
Amethyst stones of lighter shades help to look into our souls and to know and understand ourselves. They are important for knowledge, enlightenment, self-esteem, strengthening one's knowledge and overcoming conceit.
Even though precious stones, semi-precious stones and crystals in the color of amethyst are intended primarily for people born under the sign of Sagittarius, this does not mean that someone else cannot have them, especially for their positive effects in the physical, mental and spiritual spheres, but maybe just so, perhaps because they are beautiful, or for joy and pleasure!
Healing stones
Important notice: all the information given here about the healing properties of precious stones, semi-precious stones and minerals is only informative, drawn from generally known information and sources. They are not instructions for bypassing classical treatment . Always remember that the use of precious healing stones is not an alternative method to conventional medical care! If you feel the symptoms of any illness, always see your doctor! Use healing stone abilities only as a supplement to conventional healing, not as a replacement.
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Chevron Amethyst and Tree of Life Keychain

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Children's cyclamen bracelet

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Children's pink bracelet

Children's yellow bracelet

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Crystal cracked bracelet extra with amethyst

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Meditation Pillow Symbol Om

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Necklace made of wooden beads with amethyst

Nine planets bracelet made of semi-precious stones and lava beads

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Orgonite ball with amethyst

Orgonite heart pendant with amethyst

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Orgonite pyramid Lotus flower with amethyst

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Orgonite pyramid two-tone with amethyst and crystal crystal

Orgonite pyramid with amethyst

Orgonite pyramid with amethyst and amethyst crystal

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Orgonite pyramid with amethyst Runa Pertho

Orgonite pyramid with amethyst Symbol Om

Orgonite tricolor obelisk

Paper gift box Drawer 7.8 cm

Paua abalon mother of pearl bracelet made of irregular pieces

Paua abalon mother of pearl Wheels bracelet with beads

Paua abalon nacre Hearts bracelet with beads

Paua abalone with pearls bracelet RB Design 206

Pendant Glass heart with amethyst

Plate bracelet with pieces of amethyst

Purple Amethyst Bracelet and Earrings Set

Pyramid extra of seven semi-precious stones

Reiki set of amethyst stones with Reiki symbols

Scented Votive Calming Candle

Semi-precious stone chakra pendant

Set of Aromafume incense bricks and Flower of Life diffuser

Set of Aromafume incense bricks for 5 Feng Shui elements and diffuser

Set of Aromafume incense bricks for 7 chakras and diffuser

Set of five bracelets - amethyst, rose gold, white jade

Set of three cracked agate bracelets - Sun, Moon, Star

Set of two pearl and amethyst bracelets

Silver bracelet with African amethysts Ag 925 014081 AFAM

Silver bracelet with African amethysts Ag 925 015955 AFAM

Silver bracelet with African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 029074 AFAM

Silver bracelet with multi-colored tourmalines Ag 925 015955 MT

Silver earrings with African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 014442 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 012889 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 014969 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 015915 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 016641 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 033750 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 08101 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 010906 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 011529 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 013834 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 016227 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 016771 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 019520 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 025297 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 025929 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 026339 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 031091 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 033780 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 045077 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 07539 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 08787 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 09312 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut Brazilian amethysts Ag 925 042031 BRAME

Silver earrings with cut Brazilian amethysts Ag 925 09813 BRAME

Silver earrings with cut Brazilian amethysts and zircons Ag 925 010645 BRAME

Silver earrings with cut Brazilian amethysts and zircons Ag 925 045303 BRAME

Silver earrings with cut Brazilian amethysts and zircons Ag 925 07539 BRAME

Silver earrings with cut nanozultanites and zircons Ag 925 010906 ZUL

Silver earrings with cut nanozultanities Ag 925 014969 ZUL

Silver earrings with cut nanozultanities Ag 925 09813 ZUL

Silver earrings with cut Pink amethysts Ag 925 033706 PAM

Silver earrings with cut Pink amethysts and zircons Ag 925 07539 PAM

Silver earrings with cut rainbow moonstones Ag 925 025929 RM

Silver earrings with cut rainbow moonstones Ag 925 033706 RM

Silver pendant with African amethyst Ag 925 014252 AFAM

Silver pendant with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 020118 AFAM

Silver pendant with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 020160 AFAM

Silver pendant with African amethysts Ag 925 034766 AFAM

Silver pendant with African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 010906 AFAM

Silver pendant with African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 043063 AFAM

Silver pendant with Brazilian amethyst and zircons Ag 925 020065 BRAME

Silver pendant with Brazilian amethysts Ag 925 046600 BRAME

Silver pendant with cut African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 021831 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 023185 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 026951 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 039244 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 016803 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 029355 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut Brazilian amethyst Ag 925 06086 BRAME

Silver pendant with cut Brazilian amethysts and zircons Ag 925 039244 BRAME

Silver pendant with cut Brazilian amethysts and zircons Ag 925 07885 BRAME

Silver pendant with cut Pink amethysts and zircons Ag 925 07885 PAM

Silver pendant with large cut amethyst Ag 925 015657 AME

Silver pendant with large cut nanozultanite Ag 925 015657 ZUL

Silver pendant with large cut Pink amethyst Ag 925 015657 PAM

Silver Ring Set with Brazilian Amethyst and Zircons Ag 925 046587 BRAME

Silver ring with African amethyst and large zircons Ag 925 012108 AFAM

Silver ring with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 016430 AFAM

Silver ring with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 017195 AFAM

Silver ring with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 026069 AFAM

Silver ring with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 026296 AFAM

Silver ring with African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 026097 AFAM

Silver ring with Brazilian amethyst and zircons Ag 925 010436 BRAME

Silver ring with Brazilian amethyst and zircons Ag 925 026068 BRAME

Silver ring with Brazilian amethyst and zircons Ag 925 036636 BRAME

Silver ring with Brazilian amethyst and zircons Ag 925 048101 BRAME

Silver ring with brushed nanozultanite and zircons Ag 925 031131 ZUL

Silver ring with large cut nanozultanite and zircons Ag 925 015554 ZUL

The Amethyst Buddha wore a chakra bracelet

Tree of life orgonite pendant with aventurine

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 1

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Tumbled sugilite South Africa 5

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Votive chakra scented candle in glass for the 7th chakra

White pearl bracelet with amethyst

White pearl bracelet with amethyst and butterfly