IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesSapphire - the stone of people born in September

Sapphire - the stone of people born in September

Let's dive together into the mystical and sublime world of sapphire. From ancient civilizations to the present day, this gem occupies an important place not only in jewelry, but also in the hearts of many lovers of precious stones. Sapphire is the traditional guide and protector for those born in September. It is traditionally attributed a deep spiritual meaning, the ability to strengthen harmony, peace and inspiration in everyday life.

Sapphire is a personal amulet for those born in September. It supports personality traits, strengthens intuition and offers protection on life's journey. Wearing sapphire can bring not only beauty, but also a feeling of deep connection with one's inner values.

The influence of sapphire on the characteristics of people born in September is mainly reflected in self-control and discipline, empathy and kindness, as sapphire strengthens inner peace and harmony, which encourages calm, kind and compassionate actions, even when faced with stressful situations.             

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Sapphire - Meaning and History

The name "sapphire" comes from the Latin word "sapphirus" , which was taken from the Greek "sappheiros" (σάπφειρος), which means blue stone. This term probably has its origin in the Hebrew word "sappir" , which is also translated as blue gem. However, it is interesting that lapis lazuli, lat., was and is considered a blue stone. lapis caerulei coloris, which is also one of the most valued minerals both historically and in modern times.

Historical context and origin of the word sapphire

Hebrew and Sanskrit influence: " sappir" in Hebrew referred to a precious blue stone, but according to some sources it may have been derived from the Sanskrit word "sanipriya" , meaning "beloved by Saturn". This connection to the planet Saturn corresponds to sapphire's astrological association with discipline, stability and protection, qualities traditionally attributed to Saturn.

Medieval Europe: during the Middle Ages, the word "sapphire" was used generally to refer to blue-colored gemstones. As knowledge about stones expanded, over time the name was reserved for one type of mineral, which we know today under the name sapphire.

Ancient World - Greece and Rome: in Greek and Roman texts, "sappheiros" appears in connection with power, influence and the gods, reflecting the ancient fascination with blue gems, which were seen as windows to the heavens and symbols of wisdom and divine truth.

Ancient Persia: in Persian culture, sapphire was considered the stone of heaven, the name itself referring to its unique ability to reflect the blue color of the sky. Sapphire was considered an amulet protecting against higher forces.

The name "sapphire" carries deep historical and cultural meanings that reflect its association with wisdom, the gods and the beauty of the heavens. This stone has been revered for centuries and its name is a living testimony of its long journey across cultures and civilizations.

Sapphire colors
Sapphire is a variety of corundum and is found in blue and fancy colors i.e. pink, yellow, green and white.
Blue sapphire is the most famous and most prized, especially the royal blue stone. White sapphire is a prized alternative to diamonds, thanks to its high hardness and brilliance.

Blue color symbolism

Use the color blue whenever you need to increase your efforts to get rid of destructive behavior patterns, suppress anxiety, calm grief, improve your mood and let go of a negative past.

Light blue resembles the color of shallow waters in which the sky is reflected, helps to relax, think and contemplate life. It is suitable for increasing patience, and for the ability to forgive and ask for forgiveness, for calm dealings, and for reconciliation. It promotes trust, loyalty, overcoming uncertainty, maintaining stability, devotion and respect.

Blue in Feng Shui represents the energy of water, the energy of silence, strength, calm and purification. He is the embodiment of unrealized possibilities and abilities. It is pliable and very strong. The water element brings the power of regeneration and rebirth, it is the energy of the circle of life. The energy of water is traditionally associated with the northern part of a room, apartment or house. It is associated with the area of career and life path. Blue is suitable for spaces that are used for rest , meditation, relaxation or prayer. If you want to keep your life moving forward towards your goals, use the energy of water elements to do so. The flow of water is lively and nourishing and is suitable for promoting health and well-being, both at home and in the office.


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Sapphire is a symbol of wisdom and protection
Sapphire is often associated with wisdom, fidelity, purity and protection from negative energy. In the past, it was worn by kings and queens as a talisman against harm and envy.

Peace and mental balance
Sapphire should be used whenever we need calmness, focus and need to promote mental balance. It helps dispel confusion, fear and anxiety, promoting mental clarity.

Romance and devotion
Sapphires are often used in engagement rings, symbolizing fidelity and lasting love, stability and a deep emotional bond. Sapphire resonates with the nature of people born in September, as they value honest relationships and devotion.

Sapphires are among the traditional gifts for wedding anniversaries, namely for the 5th, 45th and 65th anniversaries and possibly for the 23rd anniversary as an alternative to Imperial topaz, see the article on our website Traditional wedding anniversary gifts.

Honesty and truth
Sapphire is considered a stone of truth and honesty. For people born in September, it is a symbol of their natural tendency to seek the truth and act honestly and fairly.

Wisdom and inner peace
Sapphire is a stone that promotes clarity of thought, decisiveness and peace of mind. People born in September are often associated with a calm and rational approach to life, which sapphire strengthens even more.


Sapphire is a gemstone shrouded in many myths and legends that reflect its rich history and symbolism across many cultures. Valued for its beauty and significance, this stone is associated with gods, kings and healing powers.

The most interesting myths and legends associated with sapphire

Sapphire is therefore not only a gem of fascinating beauty, but also the bearer of many stories that surround it with mystery, wisdom and divine protection.

Sapphire as amulet: traditionally, sapphire is considered a powerful protective amulet against danger and evil spirits. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that sapphire provided protection and good luck, especially when traveling or in times of war.
Kings and queens wore sapphire jewelry to protect themselves from harm and maintain power and influence.

Sapphire - the stone of truth, faithfulness and wisdom: legend has it that a sapphire turns black if worn by someone who is dishonest or impure. Sapphire was believed to have the ability to detect lies and deception.
In Indian and Persian cultures, sapphire was considered a stone of wisdom, promoting spiritual growth and providing clarity of thought to the wearer.

Sapphire in religion: in Christianity, sapphire was often associated with purity, humility and spiritual truth. Priests wore sapphire rings as a symbol of heavenly power and divine union.

In Islamic tradition, this sky-blue stone was believed to be the mediators who helped the prophets communicate and receive wisdom from Allah.

Sapphire as the key to the heavens: according to an ancient Persian legend, the Earth is seated on a huge sapphire throne, the reflection of which gives the sky a blue color. This myth explains why sapphire is considered to be allied with heaven and infinity.

Sapphire in healing: in the past, sapphire was believed to have healing powers and could treat eye problems, relieve fevers and strengthen the heart. In the Middle Ages, sapphire was ground into powder and mixed into medicinal elixirs.

Sapphire in astrology: sapphire is associated with the planet Saturn, it is considered a stone of discipline, inner strength and stability. Sapphire wearers expected the protection of Saturn and believed that they would have the strength and ability to overcome difficult obstacles in life.

Indian legends: in India, sapphire was considered a stone that could bring wealth, prosperity and spiritual enlightenment. Legend has it that the wearer of the sapphire is under the protection of the gods and his enemies have no power against him.

Sapphire as a coveted piece of jewelry

Sapphire jewelry is popular thanks to famous people, such as Princess Diana, whose sapphire engagement ring became one of the most famous pieces of jewelry in the world. This ring symbolizes not only beauty, but also a strong tradition and legend of loyalty and love.

Sapphires can be found in Czech crown jewels

The St. Wenceslas crown contains, among other things, 19 sapphires. The royal scepter has 4 sapphires and drilled sapphires on the pommel, the royal apple is decorated with eight sapphires.

Where are sapphires found?

The most valuable sapphires are Kashmir, Burma and Sri Lanka.

You can also read our article on how to recognize a sapphire.


Due to its hardness (9 on the Mohs scale), sapphire is very resistant to scratching, but sudden changes in temperature and chemicals that could damage its luster should be avoided. Mild soap, warm water and a soft brush are enough for cleaning.

You can find all cleaning and charging methods in our article here.

Are you interested in birth month stones? Learn more here.

We wrote the article for you on September 4, 2024.

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