IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasSelenite
Medicinal use: supplies the body with a large amount of energy, straightens the spine and treats its problems, neutralizes the action of free radicals in the body and the harmful effects of amalgam dental fillings. Supports breastfeeding mothers.
Uses: energy, reconciliation, peace
Properties: belongs to receptive energy, the planet Moon, element of water.
This is a very powerful crystal, excellent for spiritual work. Opens the crown chakra, supports telepathy, communication with angels and spirit guides. It keeps calm and peace. It teaches us how to best solve problems, allows us to penetrate to the core of things and calm the confusion in the soul.
Blue selenite – suitable for meditation, calms the mind
Green selenite – slows down the aging of the skin and skeleton, supports personal growth
Desert Rose - reveals actions that we have programmed in the subconscious mind that hinder our development and helps to end them
Colors: clear, orange, blue, green, brown
Country of origin: Mexico, USA, Greece
Technical description: a clear, fibrous variety of gypsum. Named after Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon.
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