IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasSeraphinite



Origin of the name: the name is derived from the Hebrew "Seraphim", which refers to the highest order of angels who are considered to be the guardians of God's throne. It's called a guardian crystal.
protection stone, emotional healing, stone suitable for meditation and relaxation, but also carving work as a decorative stone.
Medicinal use:
it is a suitable aid for releasing muscle tension, to suppress chills and as a talisman for reducing body weight. Traditionally, seraphite was used as an amulet against snakebite.
seraphinite is suitable as a supplement for self-healing, is a stone of spiritual enlightenment, is used to establish a connection with the angelic realm. It helps to listen to the voice of your heart, cleanses and harmonizes the heart chakra and opens the heart to love. It is a stone suitable for finding the right path in life, fulfilling goals and gaining a sense of satisfaction and conviction. It is used as a talisman to protect property, loved ones and oneself.
It is a stone suitable for emotional healing, recovery from emotional trauma, to support the ability to express love. It is an excellent meditation stone for inducing calmness and a sense of harmony.
Feng Shui:
Seraphinite is associated with the energy of wood and is traditionally associated with the eastern and southeastern parts of a room, apartment or house. It embodies family, health, prosperity and abundance.
Eastern Siberia in Russia, Lake Baikal region, Železnogorsk, some localities of Irkutsk.
dark green to gray color, variable.
Technical description:
a member of the chlorite group, a variety of clinochorite, i.e. layered silicate (phyllosilicate), occurs in the form of a scaly mass, pearly luster, light green scratch.
Degree of hardness: 2 to 4

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