IntroductionMagazineFeng ShuiSeraphinite in Feng Shui

Seraphinite in Feng Shui

Serafinite pendant silver P937 1 Serafinite in Feng Shui uses the energy of wood , the energy of growth, development, new beginnings, nourishment and health. It helps increase vitality and brings abundance.

The energy of wood is traditionally associated with the eastern and southeastern parts of a room , apartment or house. Strengthens family, health, prosperity and abundance.

The energy of wood is important for personal well-being, it helps one's own efforts aimed at improving family relationships and strengthening family bonds. It is important for growth, new beginnings and health, increases vitality and maintains physical development.
The energy of wood is symbolized by green and brown, and stones are used for dining rooms, children's rooms or where a new project is being created.

Like the water element, the energy of wood is lively and nurturing, suitable for promoting health and well-being, both at home and in the office.

Other stones representing the energy of wood include, for example, chrome diopside, cavansite, rhyolite, fluorite, green aventurine, seraphinite and

The energy of wood is important for personal well-being, it helps one's own efforts aimed at improving family relationships and strengthening family bonds. Place obsidian wherever you want the universal life force Chi to flow.

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