Shamballa bracelets
Although some people see Shamballa bracelets as just another fashion trend, these bracelets share a deeper meaning and history than one might expect. Shamballa is actually a mythical kingdom that Tibetan Buddhists believe in. This is meant to be a symbol of enlightenment, peace and perfection. Myth says that this kingdom is located deep in Asia and is extremely difficult to find. Today, this myth is culturally bound up in meditation.
Virtually every Shamballa bracelet is unique. Each color, design, and even style of the bracelet has an individual meaning. Although many people wear these beautiful bracelets just as a fashion accessory, it is safe to say that there are countless people who just understand their deep meaning and wear them for spiritual reasons.
What does a Shamballa bracelet mean?
Just as a fashion piece, Shamballa bracelets create a strong personal status of its wearer, it has its own unique beauty and appearance. The bracelets are made from a cord that is tied into special knots based on the so-called macrame, i.e. the technique of weaving fabric into knots. Shamballa bracelets are woven, knitted and special elements are tied into them - stones, precious stones, semi-precious stones, glass and metals. Many different colors are used, but they are mostly seen in black and white. They look amazing with most types of clothing, especially when paired with a matching necklace. They are one of the few bracelets that can be worn by men.
The Spiritual Meaning of Shamballa Bracelets
To strengthen the spiritual meaning of these bracelets, stones, precious stones, semi-precious stones and metals with healing or spiritual properties, i.e. elements of natural origin and vibrating energy, are woven into them. Many people use these bracelets to give personal power, they are very popular in meditation. They are also a symbol of mental strength and unity.
History of Shamballa bracelets
The first to adopt the Shamballa bracelet philosophy were the Kornerup brothers, who incorporated elements of the Tibetan faith into the design of bracelets that are now very fashionable. Their fashion started in France and then spread to New York. Their popularity has continued to grow and more and more people are wearing them.
Features of Shamballa bracelets
Shamballa bracelets have a greater meaning and philosophy than the average wearer understands. But deep in history and myth lies a philosophy that many still believe and faithfully follow today. Whether you are purchasing a Shamballa bracelet to help you on your spiritual journey, healing and meditation, or if you simply want an elegant bracelet, the right Shamballa bracelet is sure to satisfy your needs. Almost every Shamballa bracelet has an individual look and meaning, so you will always find one that brings you joy and happiness.
The meaning of the colors of Shamballa bracelets
Its colors are important for choosing the right bracelet. You can choose them simply according to which color you like or which suits you best. This is how we choose when we want a Shamballa bracelet only as a fashion accessory and jewelry. However, if we want more from the bracelet - help with healing, personality traits or certain shortcomings and difficulties, then the meaning of the individual colors of the Shamballa bracelets is needed. These are connected in color to the properties of the individual chakras, and they also determine the color and thus the type of embedded precious stones and semi-precious stones, which have different energies, properties and appearance. We have therefore prepared for you a brief overview of the meaning of the colors to facilitate your choice of the right Shamballa bracelet:
Black Shamballa bracelet
Black Shamballa bracelets are the best selling bracelets in the current trend of these bracelets.
Black signifies the absence of any other color and is often associated with mystery, fear, evil, death and fear of the unknown. This usually has a negative connotation (black comedy, "black death", black thoughts). But above all, black means strength and authority, it is considered a very formal, elegant and prestigious color.
Black Shamballa bracelets are usually made of black glass beads, but also exist with black precious stones, such as onyx .
Black Shamballa bracelets are special because they are a great gift for the man in your life. Choosing the right bracelet for men is difficult, but you can't go wrong with a black bracelet for men. Their simple but very elegant design is a safe choice.
Black Shamballa bracelets are associated with performance, elegance and formality. Again, great for the men in your life!
White Shamballa bracelet
It is white or bright because it reflects all the colors of the rainbow. Our eyes interpret it as the color white.
White or bright is the color of new beginnings, enthusiasm, clarity of purpose, spiritual insights and inspiration. This is why, for example, white diamonds are always considered a romantic choice for engagement rings.
White is the color of purity, innocence and truth. So whoever wears a diamond or crystal Shamballa bracelet rules the night and the world of dreams, is the bearer of new life, fertility, new beginnings and endless fulfilled love. Even adding a bright white bead to a Shamballa bracelet signifies purity and love, as well as the power of total self-reflection.
White shines with purity, innocence, virginity and neutrality, it has a positive effect on the feeling of security, strength and purity. Hence medical white coats, white wedding dresses, and the "white light" of consciousness.
Stones and gems associated with white are diamonds, white sapphire, pearls, opals and crystal . "Simulated diamonds" called zircon or Cubic Zirconia (CZ) are often used. They are almost as hard as diamonds, but often whiter.
Blue Shamballa bracelet
Associated with the throat chakra, the color blue is a carrier of growth and healing. It supports the ability to communicate, wisdom and creative expression. Blue is associated with trust, planning and organization.
So if you feel like you need some help healing or nurturing your creative and communication skills, the blue Shamballa bracelet is for you!
Blue Shamballa bracelets are often made using semi-precious stones such as agate, aquamarine, sapphire, topaz or even lapis lazuli , but more often they are made of colored glass stones, which are more affordable.
Green Shamballa bracelet
It is associated with the green chakra, which relates to the center of the chest and by connecting with nature leads to balance and harmony. Green represents renewal, growth, forgiveness and acceptance in love and relationships. Green is the bearer of harmony.
Green Shamballa bracelets are mostly made of gemstones, such as aventurine , garnet, agate, emerald, malachite. Traditionally, the green chakra is associated with malachite, associated with abundance, love and safety.
Yellow and Gold Shamballa Bracelets
They are associated with the solar plexus chakra, the center of sunlight. Yellow and gold are colors associated with purpose, personal willpower, optimism and self-confidence. These come through the increase in intelligence, thinking, clairvoyance and purposefulness that flows through the solar plexus.
The gemstone associated with the solar plexus chakra is citrine, which is the most commonly used semi-precious stone for yellow Shamballa bracelets. Bracelets with yellow diamonds are also very rare.
Red Shamballa bracelet
Red is associated with the root chakra, located at the base of your spine. The red bracelet is thus associated with emotions, passion and sexuality. It brings a feeling of security, grounding, stability and support.
Red Shamballa bracelets can be made from semi-precious stones such as ruby, garnet, spinel or rhodolite. Bracelets made of so-called pave crystals are very fashionable and worn by a number of celebrities.
If you lack enthusiasm or interest in an aspect of your life, feel anxious or unwarranted, and feel like you have dreams that you just can't bring to reality, you need to add red to your life! The best way to do this is to wear red Shamballa bracelets.
Purple Shamballa bracelet
The seventh chakra is the crown chakra at the top of the head, corresponding to the violet colored rays. It is associated with bliss and spirituality, balancing all aspects of self balance - mental, emotional and spiritual. Violet rays are said to support all "knowing", inspiration, wisdom and awareness of your higher self. Purple Shamballa bracelets are made from, for example , amethyst .
Dark blue Shamballa bracelet
The dark blue or indigo color refers to the imaginative, intuitive aspects of our lives. Connected to the forehead or eyebrow chakra, light rays emanating from dark blue sources support intuition, self-realization, perception and mental abilities. So if you want to increase your ability to live life in a hunch or have confidence in your inner voice, then go ahead and wear lots of dark blue in your Shamballa bracelet.
Indigo gemstones for the Shamaballa bracelet are different, but it is most often associated with intuition, such as turquoise , or sapphire and azurite and lapis lazuli .
Orange Shamballa bracelet
The color orange is associated with the lower abdomen, the sacral chakra, which is about feelings, intimacy and sensuality. The orange Shamballa bracelet is associated with emotions of desire and intimacy, balances creativity, helps release stress and blocks in your life that prevent your experiences and joy.