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Shattuckit in Feng Shui

Shattuckit pendant silver P130 1 Shattuckit in Feng Shui with a predominant blue color represents the energy of water , the energy of silence, the power of calmness and purification. He is the embodiment of unrealized possibilities and abilities. It is pliable and very strong. The water element brings the power of regeneration and rebirth, it is the energy of the circle of life. Shattuckit is suitable for any space that is used for relaxation, relaxation, prayer or meditation. The energy of water is traditionally associated with the northern part of a room, apartment or house. It is associated with the area of career and life path.

Other stones representing the energy of water include, for example, dumortierite, aquamarine, turquoise, sodalite, hematite, lapis lazuli, but also amber and others.

The predominant green color in Shattuckite brings the energy of wood, the energy of growth, development, new beginnings, nourishment and health. It helps increase vitality and brings abundance. A piece of Shattuckite is suitable for any dining room, small child's room or where a new project is being started. The energy of wood is traditionally associated with the eastern and southeastern parts of a room, apartment or house. Strengthens family, health, prosperity and abundance.

Crystal green rays will increase the flow of energy in the area of endeavors dedicated to strengthening the family and community . Shattuckite green crystal will ensure the right flow of love and affection within a room or home.

Other stones representing the energy of wood include, for example, chrome diopside, cavansite, rhyolite, fluorite, green aventurine, vltavine, seraphinite, etc.

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