Spring cleaning your home - awaken positive energy
Get rid of the old so the new can come in.
Go through your rooms, throw away, sell or donate unnecessary things that you no longer use. Don't forget drawers, cupboards and the space under your bed. A tidy and airy space will allow positive energy to flow.
When the smoke dances – a scent that washes away negativity
Use sacred white sage or palo santo, the sacred wood. Their smoke will cleanse the space of negativity and create a calming atmosphere for calming, relaxing and unwinding. You can use incense sticks, cones or bundles. Walk through all the rooms with a smoldering bundle and let the smoke dispel stagnant energy.
While fumigating, you can say a simple affirmation: " I open my home to new possibilities, joy, peace, and positive energy."
You can learn everything you need to know about smoking from our article here.
Create a little ritual for your soul
We will advise you on how to do it!
Prepare the "Nefertiti Purification" incense burner , censer, sand and quick-igniting charcoal.
Find a quiet place where no one will disturb you.
Take a deep breath through your nose, slowly exhale through your mouth. Become aware of your body, the present moment, the smell of the air. Feel everything calm down.
Place your hand on your heart and say silently or out loud:
"I am ready to cleanse my space and my soul. I am opening myself to new energy."
Light the incense burner and imagine its smoke wafting into every corner of your home, banishing tension, worry, and sadness. Your home is filled with peace, joy, and freshness.
Affirmations for cleansing and new beginnings – say them out loud, silently, and finally in your mind:
"My home is a sanctuary of peace, love and light."
Everything unnecessary leaves, everything pleasant and positive remains.
I open myself to new beginnings with confidence and peace.”
Once the smoker stops emitting smoke, the ritual is over. You can repeat the ritual at the new moon, after illness, after a negative experience, or anytime you feel negativity around you.
Make your home smell clean – the power of essential oils
Discover the power of scents that can do more than just make the atmosphere more pleasant. Essential oils not only smell beautiful, but also have powerful cleansing, harmonizing and energy-boosting effects. Learn how to use them when spring cleaning your home and create a space full of peace, freshness and positive energy the natural way. You can learn about the use of essential oils in our article here.
Lemon essential oil – fresh cleansing and activating positive energy. Great for cooking and cleansing after illness.
Lavender essential oil – calm, harmony, emotional cleansing and peaceful sleep. It is ideal for bedrooms, children's rooms and meditation spaces.
Eucalyptus essential oil – cleansing and scenting of spaces, support for breathing, clean environment. It is suitable for the bathroom, hallway and always for respiratory diseases.
Frankincense essential oil – spiritual protection and calming. Suitable for meditation spaces, rituals, yoga and evening relaxation.
Rose essential oil – gentle cleansing. Rose is a symbol of love and feminine energy, it harmonizes emotions and is suitable whenever our day has been challenging.
Our tip for a cleansing blend of essential oils:
4 drops of lemon
3 drops eucalyptus
2 drops lavender
1 drop of incense.
Drop a small amount of essential oils into the aroma lamp.
When sound heals – let the singing bowl ring out
Allow the vibrations to fill the space with gentle tones that will wash away heaviness and promote inner peace.
Tip for a sound ritual with a singing bowl – a space of peace and light
Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take three deep breaths, exhaling slowly. Imagine that as you exhale, all tension is released and your mind becomes calm.
Make the bowl ring and imagine its sound spreading through the room, like circles in water, touching every corner of the space and replacing everything that was heavy.
Imagine yourself surrounded by a bubble of golden or white light. With each tone, it becomes stronger, brighter, and calmer. It is a protection that grounds and opens the heart.
Affirmations – repeat out loud or silently
"I am safe. I am at peace."
My space is bright, clean and filled with harmony.
"Everything I don't need goes away. Everything that supports my soul stays."
Let the bowl finish. Stay still for a moment. Smile.
Let your home breathe new light
Your spring cleaning isn't just about tidying up shelves and freshening the air—it's about transformation. Every corner you touch with conscious intention carries the imprint of lightness, love, purification, and peace. Your home is filled with new energy, a space ready for new beginnings, ready to welcome the power of the awakening spring.
We wrote the article for you on March 21, 2025.
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