IntroductionMagazineFeng ShuiStones and Crystals in Feng Shui
Stones and Crystals in Feng Shui
Precious healing stones and crystals are used in feng shui in many different ways, yet with one goal - to bring positive feng shui energies into our home. An important part of feng shui is light - and the name "crystal" comes from the Greek word "krystallos", which means "frozen light". Therefore, if we place a crystal or a stone of one of the minerals or semi-precious stones in our home or office, we bring "light" into it along with the positive energy that these crystals emit.
Crystals and semi-precious stones have been used for countless purposes over the centuries - from helping to heal from illness, through protection against negative influences and people from our surroundings, to decorative purposes. Healing stones and semi-precious stones are of great importance in feng shui , crystals are widely used to bring specific good energies or vibrations into your home or office (or even garden).
With their help, we can solve specific negative things both in our home and in our life. For example, rosehip is used to attract love and romance, as well as helping to heal (not just love) a broken heart. In the principles of Feng shui, the old wisdom is recognized that it is precisely the rosary that emits specific frequencies and vibrations that radiate energy into the environment that supports the healing of a broken heart. On the contrary, for example, black tourmaline (also called scoryl) and hematite have strong protective energies, while yellow citrine helps us heal problems with low self-esteem, as well as helping to attract wealth and abundance to us.
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