IntroductionBlack FridayStones, minerals with a 30% discount

Stones, minerals with a 30% discount

0 €
670 €
Stone type
Agate (63)Agate lagoon lace (84) (2)Actinolite (1)Aquamarine (20)Amazonite (7)Ametrine (2)Amethyst (142)Ancestralite (1)Andalusian (1)Angelite (3)Anthophyllite (1)Apatite (4)Aragonite (10)Arfvedsonite (1)Auralite (1)Adventurous (13)Azurite (1)Barite (1)Bismuth (1)Bornit (1)Bronze (3)Bustamite (1)Bull's eye (1)Celestine/Celestit (15)Citrine (25)To enchant (25)Danburite (10)Diopside (1)Dioptas (2)Dolomites (1)Ravage (1)Dumortierite (2)Epidote (1)Eudialyte in syenite (1)Eudialyte/Eudialite (1)Fluorite (42)Phosphosiderite (2)Fuchsite (5)Gagat/Jet (2)Galena (1)Sunflower (2)Garnet/Garnet (3)Garnet/Grosular (2)Heliotrope/Crevel (1)Hematite (5)Hematoid quartz (10)Howlite white/Magnesite (3)Blue Howlite/Tyrkenite (1)Hypersthene (1)Chalcedony (3)Chalcopyrite (1)Chiastolite (1)Chromium diopside (18)Chrysocolla (14)Chrysoprase (14)Chrysotile (2)Jade (1)Jadeite/Nephrite (18)Amber (14)Jasper (55)Calcite (30)Capillititis (1)Cornelian (28)Kimberlite (1)Cobaltocalcite (6)Coral (4)Corundum (1)Crystal with rutile (22)Crystal with tourmaline (11)Crystal/Quartz (87)Kunzite (15)Kyanite (8)Labradorite (63)Lapis Lazuli (4)Larimar/Pectolite (28)Larvikitis (1)Lava stone (1)Lepidolite (6)Lizardite (10)Magnetite (1)Malachite (54)Copper (2)Moon stone (4)Moonstone/Opalite (3)Meteorite (1)Moqui Marbles (1)Morganite (5)Marble (1)Mtorolite (1)Nundoorit (1)Obsidian (14)Olivine/Peridot (1)Onyx (2)Opal (42)Orpiment (1)Orthoclase (1)Flint (1)Pietersit (10)Pinolite (1)I'm a pig (1)Rot (9)Rot with Epidote (1)Purpurite (3)Pyrite (20)Pyrite in slate (1)Pyrolusite (1)Quantum quattro (1)Rhodochrosite (7)Rhodonite (13)Rubellite (2)Ruby (27)Ruby in Zoisite (9)Ruby in Fuchsite (2)Rosenín (26)Rhyolite (1)Gypsum plasterer (7)Sapphire (3)Sagenite (22)Sardonyx (2)Saussurite (1)Selenite (5)Septaria (108)Seraphinite (5)Serpentine (6)Shattuckit (3)Sillimanite (1)Sunstone (3)Emerald (3)Sodalite (6)hawk eye (1)Staurolite (3)Stich (32)Stilbite (4)Stromatolite (1)Strontyanite (1)Sugilite/Luvulite (10)Shiva lingham (1)Shungite (3)Tanzanite (8)Tektite/Libyan Desert Glass (8)thulit (2)Tiffany (1)Topaz (9)Triplet (1)Tourmaline (18)Turritela/fossils (1)Tiger's eye (6)Turquoise (5)Unakit (1)Vanadinite (1)Variscite (1)To pay (1) (1)Vltavín (1)Wagnerite (1)A mess (17)Petrified wood (8)Zoisit (2)Granite/Azurite (1)
Tumbled sugilite South Africa 2
Tumbled sugilite from the Republic of South Africa. Sugilite is a protective and strengthening stone, protects against stress, disappointment and trauma.

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 2

1,8 cm
not in stock
8.45 €
Druze Druze and Sagenite Brazil 2
Druze of black and sagenite from Brazil. In folk tradition, saffron is an excellent stone against sadness and other negative emotions, which is said to help reduce stress

Druze Druze and Sagenite Brazil 2

8,2 x 15,6 cm
not in stock
204.02 €
Madagascar polychrome tumbled jasper 3
Hand-tumbled, polished polychrome jasper of choice quality from Madagascar.

Madagascar polychrome tumbled jasper 3

5 x 7,1 cm
not in stock
19.25 €
Crystal freeform Madagascar TP4 2
Decorative freeform crystal in select quality from Madagascar. The crystal is considered a universal crystal, a talisman bringing energy into absolute harmony.

Crystal freeform Madagascar TP4 2

approx. 5,1 x 8,7 cm, 263 g
not in stock
38.18 €
Selenite orange Madagascar heart SES 2
A beautiful, smooth heart made of orange selenite. It brings love, happiness and harmony into life.

Selenite orange Madagascar heart SES 2

6,2 x 7,4 cm
not in stock
34.67 €
Rot with epidote tumbled
Overcoming with the epidote is traditionally a stone that brings peace and protection, revitalizes the soul and mind, suppresses nightmares. It is given, it helps to relax, it reduces stress.

Rot with epidote tumbled

M - approx. 2 -2 ,5 cm
not in stock
1.54 €
Raw Turquoise Iran 1
Raw turquoise from Iran. Turquoise is a protective, powerful healing stone. It works against fear and states of exhaustion. It promotes love.

Raw Turquoise Iran 1

3,5 x 4,8 cm
not in stock
34.67 €
Labradorite Polished Madagascar 92
Select quality polished labradorite from Madagascar. Labradorite encourages confidence, intuition and perseverance.

Labradorite Polished Madagascar 92

approx. 3,1 x 7,2 cm, 50,6 g
not in stock
10.41 €
Opal dendritic Turkey drummed 3
Hand polished dendritic opal from Turkey.

Opal dendritic Turkey drummed 3

4 cm
not in stock
33.51 €
Jasper polychrome polished freeform Madagascar 1
Polished freeform polychrome jasper from Madagascar. A beautiful decoration and collector's item for all mineral lovers.

Jasper polychrome polished freeform Madagascar 1

approx. 6,3 x 7,6 cm, 295 g
not in stock
36.25 €
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