IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasSunstone


Medicinal use: against chronic sore throats, helps with stomach ulcers, keeps all organs in balance, relieves pain, rheumatism and cartilage problems.
Uses: health, protection, joy, energy, sexual energy
Properties: projective stone, assigned to the planet Sun and the element of fire.
Highly charged with solar energy, this stone will make you shine from within. It is a protective stone, it supplies strong protective energy to your homes. It brings joy and light into life. It brings a deep connection with light and the Sun. It will teach you independence from those closest to you, and the art of saying "no" to people. It teaches how to control your own destiny. It helps positive thinking. It works against depression, feelings of abandonment and gives self-confidence. It helps people with problems caused by the change of seasons. Cleanses the chakras, increases intuition and supplies the body with a large amount of physical energy in times of stress and illness. By applying to the 2nd chakra, it increases sexual energy.
Location: Norway, USA, Canada, India
Colors: yellow, orange, red-brown
Technical description: carbonate, feldspar, noble oligoclase - sodium-potassium variety with hematite inclusions, translucent, glassy luster, with perfect cleavage.
Degree of hardness: 6

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