IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasTan
Opalite is a synthetic stone (or glass) sometimes also called opalescent fluorite or purple opal. A milky or iridescent color is typical for it.
It contains silicon dioxide, it belongs to the so-called transformers, thus it finds use in supporting the ability to change one's life, the given situation, relationships and plans for the future.
It harmonizes the frontal and crown chakras , balances the forces of Yin and Yang, i.e. darkness and light, two complementary opposites united into one whole. Yin symbolizes femininity, darkness and passive power, and Yang symbolizes masculinity, light and creative power).
Opalite has a gentle energy, it is suitable for meditation. It is used to improve communication on all levels, especially spiritual. It helps remove blockages of chakras and meridians, promotes endurance and courage to talk about one's hidden feelings.
Opalite is considered a stone of peace , it is suitable for suppressing depression and anxiety and a stone of love, suitable for strengthening mutual romantic relationships and fidelity.
It is used to increase self-confidence, sense of value and understanding of the meaning of being, for the ability to face fears, brings peace and balance.
It is a traditional stone for strengthening the will to live and enjoy life.
It is a merchant's stone, as a talisman for gathering monetary wealth.
In Feng Shui, it embodies the energy of fire, it is the color of wealth and luxury.
Medicinal use: opal stabilizes mood swings, helps overcome fatigue. It is suitable for sexual disorders and weak experience and as a talisman during childbirth. As a supplement for headaches, to promote calmness and relaxation.
Zodiac signs: Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Libra, Aquarius.
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