The meaning of the symbol - the cross
The Cross: Uncover the Secret of the Symbol That Connects History and Faith
The cross is one of the oldest and most widespread symbols in human history, holding deep spiritual, religious, and cultural significance, with interpretations varying depending on faith, personal beliefs, and overall context.
Different people perceive it differently. Whether to wear it or not is a personal choice of each individual. It is worn out of spiritual conviction, as an expression of a certain attitude and belief and faith, as a protective talisman, or as part of a family heirloom. In any case, it is advisable to know its symbolism, meaning and historical context.
What does the cross symbolize?
The cross, as a symbol, has many meanings.
Christianity – the cross is the most famous symbol of the Christian faith, representing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, his sacrifice and resurrection. It symbolizes salvation, faith and hope.
Universal spiritual symbol – the connection between the heavenly and the earthly, the balance of opposites.
Four cardinal points – in pagan cultures, the cross was associated with the four elements: fire, water, earth and air, or with the four cardinal points.
Types of crosses
Celtic cross – a symbol of the connection between spirituality and nature, where the circle around the cross signifies eternity.
The Egyptian Ankh – the cross of life – is an ancient symbol of immortality and the union of masculine and feminine energy.
Equal-armed cross – symbolizes harmony, balance and protection, used, for example, in esoteric traditions.
Latin cross – a classic Christian cross, symbolizing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Greek cross – the arms are of equal length, symbolizing balance and the connection of heaven and earth.
St. Andrew's Cross – shaped like the letters "X". It symbolizes the martyrdom of St. Andrew.
Orthodox cross – a cross with a horizontal arm at the top and a slanted lower arm. It is used mainly in the Orthodox Church.
Maltese Cross – a white eight-pointed cross on a red field, the emblem of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, symbolizes the eight knightly virtues: loyalty, piety, sincerity, courage, honor, mortality, obedience and patience. It is a sign of protection and humanitarian aid. In the past, this order operated hospitals, so-called.
Angel Cross - angel wings are a powerful symbol that expresses happiness and protection from everything bad in life. They are also a symbol of hope, enlightenment and guidance on the right path through life.
What is the origin of the cross?
History of the cross as a symbol
Pre-Christian period – the cross was used as a religious and protective symbol in many ancient cultures, e.g. in Egypt and Mesopotamia (roughly the territory of present-day Iraq).
Christianity, early period (1st to 4th centuries AD) – the cross became the dominant symbol of Christianity only after the Edict of Milan (313 AD), a joint declaration by the emperors Constantine I the Great and Licinius, which guaranteed religious freedom and the equality of Christianity with other religions.
In the Middle Ages, the cross was part of heraldry, knightly orders, such as the Order of the Templars and the Knights of Malta, and was used to decorate churches and also jewelry.
In the modern sense, the cross is not only a religious symbol, but also a fashionable and cultural one; it is worn not only by believers but also by people without ties to Christianity.
Why wear a cross?
The cross represents faith and spiritual connection, where its wearer can express belonging to the faith, connection with God and protection. Many people use the cross as a talisman to protect against negative energies and evil, for some it represents spiritual balance and the connection of the physical and metaphysical world. Nowadays it is not only an expression of faith, but also a fashion accessory.
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