IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesThroat Chakra - Vishuddha

Throat Chakra - Vishuddha

Throat or throat chakra, or communication chakra - Vishuddha, the 5th chakra positively affects self-expression, communication, independence, fluid thoughts. Its color is turquoise, it symbolizes balance, emotional stability, harmony and peace. It is a fresh color that has calming effects, the color of people born between March 21 and April 20, i.e. under the sign of Aries.

The throat chakra is the center of human expressiveness, communication and inspiration. The fifth chakra creates a connection between the lower chakras and the head chakras. It serves as a bridge between our thinking and feeling, between our impulses and our reactions to them. Through the throat chakra we express laughter, crying, feelings of joy, fear, anger, wishes, thoughts, opinions and perceptions of our world.

With the correct functioning of the fifth chakra, we can communicate clearly and freely, we are creative and perceptive. With a fully open chakra, we express our feelings, thoughts and inner knowledge openly and without fear. Our inner honesty towards ourselves and others is reflected in the directness of your actions. We do not allow others to influence us too much, on the contrary, we maintain our own independence and freedom. In the case of disharmony or blockage, there are disturbances in expression, evident in a weak, muffled voice (lump in the throat), hoarseness or stuttering. Low self-confidence (connection with the third chakra) does not allow you to take and express your own opinion. Otherwise, the speech may be crude, the voice strong, and the words lacking in substance.

Location: it is located in the neck area.

Color: turquoise.

Element: Ether.

Sensory function: hearing.

Basic principle: resonance with Being, speaking.

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