IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasThulite pink

Thulite pink

Pink thulite (zoisite with manganese) is the national stone of Norway and mostly comes from Leksvik, but it is also found in South Africa and Australia. The name is derived from the old Norse name for the Norwegian region "Thule". Most of the stones are in various tones of pink, but also up to dark red, depending on the amount of manganese, it can also be partially white, gray and black. It is known as "rosaline" zoisite, i.e. the pink palette of zoisite, and depending on the manganese content, the color saturation can vary significantly.

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Need inspiration for an eloquent speech and a new solid relationship?
Thulite promotes eloquent speech with its energy. It can therefore be a suitable talisman for speakers and lecturers.
It helps those who desire new relationships and friendships, suppresses shyness and shyness, induces calmness and self-confidence.
It inspires when furnishing a home, promotes satisfaction, happiness and joy, as well as energy and enthusiasm for life. It harmonizes the solar plexus chakra and the heart chakra, enhances positive emotions and is one of the stones of unconditional love. By harmonizing the sacral chakra, it supports creativity.

Thulit helps to relieve tension between people who have different opinions, helps to build new relationships, strengthens friendships. It is used to make decisions easier when solving problems.

Thulite is suitable for suppressing bad thought habits, for suppressing negative experiences in life and for increasing self-esteem and self-confidence.

With which stones is it appropriate to combine pink thulite?

It is suitable to combine with septaria, iolite to increase insight and receptivity, with smithsonite, datolite, black obsidian, dumortierite, astrophyllite, amethyst, unakite, staurolite and tourmaline to break any addictions.

Medicinal uses: thulite is used to support life energy, for stimulation and overall regeneration of body and mind. It is traditionally used as an adjunct in the treatment and alleviation of stomach upset.

Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Gemini.

"IMPORTANT NOTICE TO OUR READERS AND BUYERS: Please be aware that the use of precious stones and/or minerals is not an alternative to conventional medical treatment! In case you have symptoms of any illness, always seek your general practitioner or an outpatient specialist! Please note that there no minerals or precious stones can have a physical effect against cancer, leukaemia or any other malignant diseases, or diseases that may have negative impact on health. Please be strongly advised that all information presented herein, as well as any information on any page at the website that informs about metaphysical properties of precious stones, semi-precious stones and minerals that are referred to as ""healing"" stones in folk myths and traditions, is for informational purposes only, coming from commonly known sources of information. The sources are millennia-old myths and traditions regarding the use of minerals and precious stones in folk healing, published in mass media (both printed and online), as well as commonly available literature - books where the assumed effects on the human body and psyche are published. This information, widespread in society, is not a guide to bypassing conventional treatment through scientifically proven medical procedures and medical preparations with proven effects. With few exceptions, the so-called ""healing"" powers of minerals and precious stones, as well as products made from and with them, are not in any way scientifically proven and stem solely from folk tradition and myths."

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