IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasTo enchant
To enchant
Medicinal use: supplies energy to an exhausted organism, regulates blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the eyes, heart, liver, pancreas. It repairs the liver damaged by alcohol. It relieves spasms and pain, banishes insomnia and helps children fall asleep peacefully. A highly effective cleanser of the physical body.
Uses: strength, fear, stress, energy, sleep, cleansing, relaxation
Properties: receptive stone, assigned to the planets Jupiter, Neptune and the element of water.
It is a stone of transformation, helps to influence the soul and overcome fear, especially deep-rooted fear, cope with extraordinary changes on a spiritual level, has great healing power on a physical and spiritual level, awakens unconditional love for oneself and helps to cope with our negative qualities , balances confused emotions. It suppresses stress, anxiety, obsession, frustration, transforms negative energy into healing power and brings feelings of imbalance into harmony and relaxation. It awakens the heart and crown chakra, purifies the aura and shows how to correct karmic predestination.
Colors: purple to brown
Location: Russia - Yakutia
Technical description: silicate, discovered only in 1976, an extremely rare mineral because it is found in only one deposit in the world, vitreous luster and good cleavage.
Degree of hardness: 5
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