IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasTurquoise


Medicinal use: reduces fevers and headaches, prevents migraines, improves the immune system. Suitable for detoxification and anti-inflammation. It regulates acidity in the body and has a positive effect on the stomach. Strengthens vision, suppresses spasms, acts on gout, harmonizes meridians
Uses: protection, love, friendship, courage, money, luck, healing
Properties: belongs to receptive energy, the planets Venus and Neptune, the earth element. It is a sacred, protective healing stone. Lucky stone, traveller's amulet. Suitable for meditation, increases intuition. Balances male and female energy, neutralizes electromagnetic smog, gives strength, calms speakers before public speaking, promotes creativity, prevents self-harm. It brings inner peace, acts against depression, fear and states of exhaustion. Supports romantic love. It brings joy and wealth to the owner.
Colors: turquoise, green, blue
Country of origin: USA, Egypt, Mexico, Peru
Technical description: phosphate, secondary mineral, waxy to dull luster, usually opaque, good cleavage. It belongs to the oldest precious stones.

Degree of hardness: 5-6

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