IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasUnakit


Uses: meditation, purification, spirituality, grounding
Properties: A stone of vision and divination, balances the emotional with the spiritual, grounding, good for meditation, shows when to compromise, clarifies the causes of blockages, enables 'rebirth', aids in past life healing by going to the source the problem, brings it to the surface and corrects it, removes obstacles to spiritual growth. Unakit placed in the space brings a soothing, pleasant energy to the surroundings, cancels the harmful radiation of TV screens.
Medicinal use: helps in convalescence (especially of severe diseases), treats reproductive organs, helps in pregnancy, promotes the growth of hair and skin tissue, helps to gain weight if necessary.
Colors: green-orange
Location: South Africa, USA
Technical description: silicate, epidote, hydrosilicate of calcium, aluminum and iron, translucent, vitreous luster, good cleavage.

Degree of hardness: 6-7

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