IntroductionMagazineAdvice from the Master of PharmacyUsing essential oils in everyday life

Using essential oils in everyday life


The use of essential oils (syn. ethereal oils, essential oils) is diverse. In the broader sense, AROMATHERAPY comes first - especially to suppress tension, for headaches and upper respiratory tract diseases, for relaxation and psychological well-being , then massage to relieve muscle pain and improve microcirculation, skin and hair care, surface disinfection - especially citrus or eucalyptus essential oil, air freshening, and use of the repellent effect.

Essential oils, etherolea, essential oils – are aromatic substances obtained from plant materials by distillation or by a suitable mechanical process, without heating, and the plant material may be fresh, withered, dried, whole, broken or ground. They are stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C (see Czech Pharmacopoeia).

They are volatile, insoluble in water, and have an oily character. They are products of the so-called secondary metabolism of plants and apparently serve as protection against some animals and to attract insects.

Be careful - rules for using essential oils

The use of essential oils (hereinafter also EO) is wide, but they should never be used in concentrated (undiluted) form on the skin due to possible side effects, especially the risk of an allergic reaction.

Concentrated EOs can irritate the skin and eyes, and they carry a greater or lesser risk of phototoxic reactions, i.e. hypersensitivity of the skin to UV radiation. The result is redness of the skin, blistering and a painful, inflammatory reaction. It does not matter whether the essential oil is used internally or externally. A number of drugs have the same side effects – diuretics, non-steroidal analgesics, corticosteroids, tars, sulfonamides, salicylic acid and many others. Prevention of side effects when using these substances is protection from UV radiation with a product with a high factor against UVA and UVB (50) throughout the entire treatment period and for 14 days after its completion.

Despite However, essential oils can be used in medicines, cosmetics and other products due to phototoxic effects. It depends on the concentration, type of product, in the case of cosmetics also on the site of application, exposure to UV radiation (sunlight, solarium) and the length of contact with the skin.

Apart from raw materials intended for pharmaceutical purposes, no preparations containing essential oils or their mixtures available on the market in the Czech Republic are approved as medicinal products, do not have a defined dosage and may not be taken internally.

Externally, EOs can only be used in diluted form. Never apply essential oils or their mixtures directly to the skin. Carrier oils, such as jojoba, almond, avocado, etc., are used for dilution.

Some components of essential oils are unsuitable for frequent use or in higher concentrations and for individuals who are allergic to EO. EO should be used with caution by pregnant women and children.

Our essential oils are intended for aroma lamps, aroma diffusers, nebulizers, potpourri, massage oils, baths, inhalations, etc.

The method of use is only general, as it depends on the types of EO and their mixtures, the intensity of the scent, the size of the room, the length of use, and the sensitivity to scents of each of us. The intensity of the scent can be easily changed by the number of drops of EO.

Aroma lamp: pour water into the aroma lamp bowl, add 5-10 drops of essential oil. Add evaporated water while the candle is burning. Do not leave the aroma lamp unattended and within reach of children. When leaving the room, do not forget to blow out the tealight. The aroma lamp may be hot while the candle is burning and for some time afterwards, so do not touch it.

Ceramic aroma diffusers: drip 3-4 drops of essential oil onto the top of a ceramic stone, which is porous, absorbs the oil and releases its scent for a long time.

Aroma diffusers , e.g. electric: pour water into the aroma diffuser container, add essential oil or mixture and proceed according to the manufacturer's instructions. Recommended number of drops per 100 ml of water: 3 to 5.

Nebulizers: use the entire bottle of undiluted oil or EO blend, according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Inhalation: bring water to a boil, pour it into a bowl and add 1-2 drops of essential oil or mixture, put a towel over your head and inhale the released EO components. Inhalation is suitable for relief from respiratory diseases such as rhinitis, or for calming and suppressing stress and tension. In winter, this method of inhalation can be replaced by placing a container of water and EO on a radiator.

Adult massage oil: Add a few drops of EO or a blend of EO to a vegetable oil (e.g. sunflower, jojoba, almond). Although the recommended concentration for skin use is 1.5-3% EO, it is advisable to start with lower levels, which will reduce the potential risk of skin irritation.

Essential oils have a very wide range of applications, they can be used, for example, to scent laundry - for example, lavender or cedar oil also have repellent effects against moths.

Storing essential oils

Keep essential oil away from direct sunlight and heat. Do not use near open flames. The dark bottle prevents oxidation, which leads to changes in the color, scent, and consistency of the EO. This will ensure the quality of the essential oil throughout its shelf life. Keep out of reach of children and pets.


  • Do not use essential oils internally or in undiluted form on the skin.
  • If the oil comes into contact with your eyes, rinse them with cold water and if the discomfort persists, contact an ophthalmologist.
  • Avoid applying to skin that is irritated, showing signs of allergy or other illness.
  • Individuals with upper respiratory tract diseases, such as allergic rhinitis, as well as lower respiratory tract diseases, such as bronchial asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), bronchitis, etc., and with frequent headaches should use EO with increased caution, i.e. in small amounts in aroma lamps and aroma diffusers, for a short time, in a well-ventilated room.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, test a small amount to assess whether the scent irritates the respiratory tract, causes nausea, or a headache.

If you want to use the essential oil on the skin, it must be diluted to a concentration of 1.5–3%. For use on the face – 0.2–1.5%. Carrier oils are used for dilution, or the essential oil can be incorporated into a cream or ointment base.

IFRA oversees the use of ingredients in cosmetic and other products

IFRA (The International Fragrance Association) is an international organization based in Switzerland that sets and regulates standards for the use of ingredients in cosmetic products and perfumes with regard to consumer health. These include products intended for scenting rooms (candles, aroma diffusers), but also products that come into contact with the skin (creams, sunscreens, oils, lip balms, baby diapers, children's toys, etc.). The products are classified into 12 categories.

IFRA certified products guarantee quality and safety in the production of fragrances and cosmetics. They declare compliance with the requirements set out in IFRA standards.
IFRA maintains an overview of the concentrations of essential oils used in individual products, such as lipsticks and lip balms, products applied to the armpits, products applied to the face and body using fingertips, etc.

You can read about what essential oils are in our article , and we have written instructions for using these natural products.

We wrote the article for you on February 10, 2025.

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