IntroductionMagazineNewsWe have the lucky trees in stock again!
We have the lucky trees in stock again!
Lucky trees are a beautiful and very popular decoration suitable also as a gift for loved ones. The metal tree on the stone base is decorated with beautiful tumbled semi-precious stones. Precious stones stuck on twigs do not lose their healing power, so you can still enjoy their vibrations, strength and positive energy. The trees are handmade, each piece is unique and original.
Give your loved ones a piece of happiness and well-being in a small tree that will decorate any piece of furniture. Discover the unique power of nature and alternative healing in practice with magic trees of happiness.
Lucky trees are very popular in Feng Shui , where they are used for many purposes - to get wealth or love and others. An example can be the Tree of Happiness made of citrine , which is used in Feng Shui for wealth and abundance , in the house or office it is always placed in the "money" area, which is the southeast area of your apartment, house or workplace.
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