What are runes and rune stones
What are runes?
Runes are an ancient method of divination, used by those who seek advice. Their history dates back to the times of the Germanic and Scandinavian tribes. The word "rune" means a mystery, a whisper, or a mystery . Runes can be made of many materials, but the most common are stones or semi-precious stones, described by the rune alphabet. These stones are then called " rune stones ". There are several types of these alphabets, one of the oldest is the Older Futhark, which contains 24 runes. Each of the runes is a font of the alphabet, but it also has its symbolic meaning. For example, rune F, Fehu, means cattle or wealth, or rune K, Kenaz, means lighthouse or torch. In the Nefertitis.cz e-shop, we offer several types of rune stone sets exclusively from natural semi-precious stones.
What can runes be used for?
Runes can help solve the problems we face and show the likely outcomes of possible situations. Runes as such are not a form of predicting the future. They do not give direct answers or advice, but they will show different possibilities and suggest how to behave in which result. So the runes suggest, but everyone has to come up with the result by their intuition. As you read the runes, you acknowledge that the future is not fixed and that each individual has the power to follow their own path and make their own decisions. So if you don't like advice from runes, you don't have to follow it and you can choose your own path.
How to use runestones?
According to some practitioners working with rune stones, we should ask runes exclusively about our problems and worries, according to others it is okay to seek their advice on any issues. If you want to know the answer to yours and choose a set of runestones for it, you can use them according to the following instructions.
Find a quiet place where you will clear your mind and be able to concentrate on reading the runes. Place in front of you the fabric on which you will lay the runes. For complete beginners, it is enough to lay out one rune and consider its meaning. Advanced can use three, five, seven, or nine runs. In Norwegian mythology, nine is a magic number. Reach into your rune bag and pull out one to nine and hold for a while. Then randomly spread them on the fabric. Runes lying more towards the center are more important than runes on the edge. Interpretation of nine runes is most appropriate because it gives the most freedom for interpretation - unlike other options where the order of the runes and their grouping is fixed.
If you are just starting to read from the runes, there is no need to buy stones with a complete rune alphabet and read from up to nine runes, as is usual in the Nordic countries. It is ideal to buy a set of seven chakra stones with rune symbols , which has significant advantages (not only) for those who are just starting out with runes. On the one hand, the seven is a lucky number in our culture, on the other hand, you can also use these stones to harmonize the main chakras.
Although runes represent letters of the alphabet, unlike the Latin alphabet, each has its own specific meaning, or even more meanings. E.g. rune Raido (R) means path , rune Wunjo (V, W) represents joy, rune Gebo (G) is a gift, etc. However, it is up to you how you interpret the meaning of each rune into answering your questions. Below in the article you will find a picture with all the runes and their "translation" into our alphabet. Below the picture is a complete overview of the meaning of individual runes.
None of the runes has a precise meaning, each interpretation is individual. If you are still interested in the most common interpretation of individual runes, then there are many books and articles on this topic. You can easily find them in the Internet environment.
Some rune sets also contain an empty rune. Opinions on this empty rune differ, according to historians there is no evidence that it was ever used in grace. So it's entirely up to you if you want to use it, if not, you can safely remove it from your set.
Translation of runes into the Latin alphabet and their significance for prediction:
Fehu (F) - cattle, wealth
Uruz (U) - pratur
Thurisaz (Th) - fig, Thor's rune
Ansuz (A) - Odin's rune
Raido (R) - road
Kenaz (K) - torch, light, lighthouse
Gebo (G) - dar
Wunjo (V, W) - joy
Hagalaz (H) - Hail, or Shout of Glory
Nauthiz (N) - need, fire
Isa (I) - led
Jera (J, Y) - year
Eihwaz (E) - tis
Pertho (P) - dance, heart
Algiz (Z) - protection
Sowulo (S) - sun
Teiwaz (T) - Tire, god of war
Berkana (B) - birch
Ehwaz (E) - horse
Mannaz (M) - male
Laguz (L) - lake
Inguz (Ng) - Freya, goddess of fertility
Othila (O) - Ogthala, a mythical land
Dagaz (D) - day