IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesWhat is Japa Mala necklace - meaning and use
What is Japa Mala necklace - meaning and use
Sacred Buddhist prayer beads, or Mala beads, have been used for centuries by many spiritual traditions as a tool to help calm the mind and connect with what is within us. The word "Mála" means a necklace used for prayer. It is a traditional aid for counting repeating mantras during meditation, counting breathing during meditation or repeating the name of the Buddha, which is called "japa" (japa), beads are used mainly in Buddhism and Hinduism. Japa Mala is the name for the traditional Indian rosary with 108 beads, tengwa is the name for the traditional Tibetan Buddhist rosary. The initial and final bead is the so-called teacher's bead, symbolizing wisdom. After reciting the 108 mantras, the rosary is turned and the repeated mantras are counted in reverse.
The word Mala comes from Sanskrit and means a bundle of beads, a garland, traditionally numbering 108, sometimes even less, e.g. 18, 27 or 54 (always a number divisible by 9). Mala beads are similar to prayer beads in other religions, which is why they are sometimes called "Buddhist rosaries".
Prayer beads are made of various materials, e.g. nuts, wood, bone, semi-precious stones. A popular material are beads made of sandalwood or the wood of the bodhi tree (Ficus religiosa), the tree of enlightenment or awakening, under which, according to Buddhist tradition, Buddha Gautama attained enlightenment.
Calming mantras - beads should be white, for example from crystal or from pearls and bones. They are used to cleanse the mind of negative thoughts, stress, to remove diseases and bad karma. Pearls are not very practical, as their top layer is damaged by frequent use.
Mantras for enrichment - beads should be gold, silver or copper. They are used to improve lifestyle.
Amber beads are used to prolong life.
Protective mantras - beads should be, for example, made of nuts.
Mantras are repeated hundreds or thousands of times. Mala helps to focus on the meaning of the mantra or its sound.
The beads are used by saying the mantra for each bead separately while turning the bead clockwise with the thumb. But it doesn't always have to be a rule, some traditions state the rotation of the beads counter-clockwise as well.
Nowadays, Japa Mala beads are used as necklaces or bracelets, i.e. as a fashionable and distinctive piece of jewelry, an accessory suitable for any occasion.
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