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What is Reiki?

Reiki is a spiritual healing art with Japanese roots. The word Reiki is composed of two Japanese words: Rei, which can be translated as "Universal Life" and Ki, which means "energy". Reiki is a gentle and effective form of energy work, using spiritually guided life energy. It is in no way connected with religion or religious practices.

Reiki is the life energy that flows through all living things. An individual's Ki, or energy, should be strong and free-flowing. Then the body and mind are fine. When energy is lost or blocked, it can lead to mental or physical imbalance.

History of Reiki

The founder of Reiki is Dr. Mikao Usui from a Japanese Buddhist family. Thanks to the family fortune, he had the opportunity to study in a Buddhist monastery, where he learned, among other things, martial arts and swordsmanship. During his studies, he was interested in medicine, psychology and theology. His goal was to find a way to heal himself and others with the help of hands, without this method being in any way connected to religion, and thus accessible to everyone.

During his training at the monastery, he spent 21 days in a cave on Mount Kurama, fasting, meditating and praying. At dawn on the twenty-first day, he experienced an event that changed his life forever. He saw the ancient symbols of Sanskrit (an ancient Indian language) that helped him create a healing system. Thus usui Reiki was born. After this epiphany, he established a healing clinic in Kyoto that further spread the teachings of Usui Reiki. In 1922, he founded the first Reiki clinic and school in Toyko. He trained several Reiki masters before his death, ensuring that his system was not forgotten.

Reiki symbols

Reiki symbols are considered sacred and are an integral and interesting part of Reiki practice. Derived from the Japanese Kanji (a character system for writing Japanese that evolved from Chinese characters that came to Japan along with Buddhist texts), they are common Japanese words that help improve the flow of life energy.

Among the most famous Reiki symbols are:

Dai Ko Myo - Mastery symbol

This symbol works on the crown chakra and helps us find the truth about who we really are. The symbol helps us in all aspects of our life, connects us with the divine power that is within each of us, and helps us to heal ourselves and others. As it is the master, master symbol of Reiki, using the Dai Ko Myo master symbol enhances the healing effects of any form of Reiki treatment.

Reiki Master Symbol Dai Ko Myo

Using the Mastery Symbol:

Use the Dai Ko Myo Reiki Master Symbol to harmonize and restore the energy of all chakras, your positive aura and to support the healing of illnesses. Dai Ko Myo removes negative energy from your mind and body, helps you on the path of personal development, self-knowledge, supports your spirit and intuition. Use the Dai Ko Myo Reiki Mastery Symbol Stone to cleanse other stones and crystals of negative energies by placing the Dai Ko Myo Symbol Stone on top of your stones that you wish to cleanse and recharge.

In general, the use of the Reiki master symbol Dai Ko Myo enhances the healing effects of any form of Reiki treatment. The symbol is usually used in any Reiki treatment, whether individual or group, hands-on or distant, or when directed at an individual, thing or situation. To use a symbol during a Reiki treatment, first place the stone with the symbol in your palm for a moment, then place it for a moment on the top of your head, where the crown chakra resides, and then place or hold the Dai Ko Myo stone in the place of your body to be treated with healing Reiki energy.

Cho Ku Rei – symbol of strength

It strengthens the flow of energy, provides protection on all levels, removes negative energies, strengthens friendly and business relationships.

Reiki symbol of power Cho Ku Rei

Power symbol usage :

Place the Cho Ku Rei symbol stone near the door or other entrances to your home to provide protection for your home or workplace from negative energies. For personal protection, you can also carry it with you in a purse, backpack, pocket, or drive it in the car.

You can also use the Cho Ku Rei power symbol to cleanse food of the negative energies it has picked up before it reaches your plate.

Sei Hei ki – symbol of emotional healing

A symbol of harmony and peace. It is used to balance both hemispheres of the brain, bringing inner and outer peace. Improves memory, helps overcome addictions to smoking, drugs, and alcohol. Helps treat headaches.

Reiki symbol of emotional healing Sei Hei Ki

Using the Emotional Healing Symbol:

Use Sei Hei Ki to confirm and realize your plans, goals, opinions and ideas. Hold the stone with the Sei Hei Ki symbol in your hand before making the affirmation and hold it like that for a while after you make your own affirmation. To confirm your goals, plans, and desires, you can either visualize them silently in your mind while holding the Sei Hei Ki symbol, or say them out loud three times.

Sei Hei Ki can also help you remember important information. Hold the stone with this symbol in your hand and ask the Reiki energy to help you remember the information.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen - a symbol of distant healing

This symbol is used for distance healing. It helps heal traumas from the past or problems from past lives. It keeps body, spirit and mind in harmony.

Reiki symbol of distant healing Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Using the Distant Healing Symbol:

You can also send Reiki energy into the future, for example before a job interview. This way, on the day of the interview, you will have more free time and be full of calming energy. The ideal symbol for this solution is the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen stone. Hold it and visualize the upcoming event in your mind.

Combining Reiki symbols

If you want to get rid of addictions or bad habits, use stones with the Cho Ku Rei symbol, followed by Sei He Ki, and Cho Ku Rei again.

You can also send Reiki energy to someone at a distance . Visualize the recipient in your mind, or better yet hold a photograph of them, and then use the stones with the symbols in the order of Cho Ku Rei, Sei Hei Ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and Cho Ku Rei.

If you want to start practicing Reiki, it is ideal to get a set of flat, polished stones engraved with the four main Reiki symbols , which are not only useful for Reiki, but also make beautiful stones and decorations.

Reiki luxury stone set in gift box Chakra-G-014 2

Reiki luxury stone set

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