IntroductionMagazineHoroscopesCapricorn in the purple color language
Capricorn in the purple color language
People born between December 22 and January 20, i.e. CAPRICORNS, are traditionally assigned purple gemstones.
Capricorn is an earth sign ruled by the planet Saturn. Calmness, patience, perseverance and ambition are typical for this sign. Capricorns can fall into melancholy and pessimism and need frequent boosts of confidence. They are thrifty, but not stingy, they want to have a sense of the background.
Precious stones for the Capricorn sign are: agate, ametrine, amethyst , ammolite, aragonite, azurite, brazilite, eudialite, fluorite, gagat, garnet, hematite, chalcedony , chrysoprase, amber, jasper, carnelian, crystal, kunzite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, malachite, moonstone, obsidian, olivine, onyx, orpiment, ruby, rhyolite, sapphire, sunstone, sodalite, tourmaline (black), turquoise, heather.
With the onset of winter, the orange and red colors of autumn give way to purple and blue winter tones. The sky is darker, the sun's rays are less intense and the Earth sinks into winter majesty.
Purple is the personal color of people born in the period just after the winter solstice, from December 22 to January 20, i.e. under the sign of Capricorn.
It is the color of intuition, dreaming, grandeur and luxury. It is one of the strongest colors in nature. It symbolizes reverence, mystery and magic, as well as the magic of rejuvenation and renewal.
Violet rays help in the interpretation of dreams, inspire great actions, help to achieve success and restore magic in our lives and relationships.
Purple is the color of music; it can influence us, change us, and connect us in seemingly mysterious ways to our dreams, our past, and ourselves.
When do we need purple stones?
If we want to listen to our heart, we need to encourage inspiration and intuition.
Dark purple gemstones are called "dream stones". They are windows into the soul and into the world for understanding everyday life. They help to interpret our dreams and with their help we can search for things in our mind that we do not know about. Deep purple stones can help us support new visions. Dark purple is the color of truth and the ray of happiness. It helps connect dreams with reality and make desires and wishes come true. It is part of, for example, amethyst and halite.
We need dark purple stones when we want to fulfill our destiny, we are looking for answers to our questions, we need to summon happiness, harmony and peace.
Light purple stones , the color of lavender, are stones of wisdom , they help us focus on our feelings and understand hidden desires. They are stones of unfettered intellect and heart. They are suitable for fulfilling our dreams, desires for love and affection.
Lavender-colored purple stones are used as talismans for living in a dream style, to support imagination, wit and ingenuity.
Even though purple precious stones , semi-precious stones and crystals are intended primarily for people born under the sign of Capricorn, this does not mean that someone else cannot have them, especially for their positive effects in the physical, mental and spiritual spheres, but even just perhaps because they are beautiful, or for joy and pleasure!
Healing stones
Important notice: all the information given here about the healing properties of precious stones, semi-precious stones and minerals is only informative, drawn from generally known information and sources. They are not instructions for bypassing classical treatment . Always remember that the use of precious healing stones is not an alternative method to conventional medical care! If you feel the symptoms of any illness, always see your doctor! Use healing stone abilities only as a supplement to conventional healing, not as a replacement.
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Auralite oval bracelet

Author's bracelet for Capricorn sign RB Design 113

Author's bracelet Blue Butterfly bracelet RB Design 210

Author's bracelet Violet Butterfly bracelet RB Design 209

Author's bracelet Zima RB Design 159

Aventurine and white pearl bracelet

Blue-violet lotus candlestick

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Bracelet cut from a mix of semi-precious stones

Bracelet Energy of Life RB Design 74

Bracelet made of metal beads with amethysts

Bracelet made of white pearls with aventurine

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Brocade Double Tablecloth 22 cm

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Candlestick glass for tea lights decorated with ornaments variant A

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Chakra bracelet made of carnelian with Shamballa fastening

Chakra bracelet with semi-precious stone beads

Chakra bracelet with semiprecious beads and lotus symbol

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Chakra flower pendant

Chakra grape pendant

Chakra grape pendant with jeweled handle

Chakra guardian angel made of semi-precious stones

Chakra guardian angel of the seven semi-precious stones

Chakra heart pendant made of semiprecious stones

Chakra pendant with a star

Chakra pendant with crescent moon

Chakra pendant with waxed string

Chakra scented candle in glass for the 6th chakra

Chakra scented candle in glass for the 7th chakra

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Charm with white cracked agate bracelet RB Design 70

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Charoit drummed Siberia 12

Charoit drummed Siberia 13

Charoit drummed Siberia 14

Charoit drummed Siberia 15

Charoit drummed Siberia 16

Charoit drummed Siberia 17

Charoit drummed Siberia 18

Charoit drummed Siberia 19

Charoit drummed Siberia 20

Charoit drummed Siberia 21

Charoit drummed Siberia 22

Charoit tubled Siberia 5

Charoit tumbled Siberia 10

Charoit tumbled Siberia 11

Charoit tumbled Siberia 2

Charoit tumbled Siberia 3

Charoit tumbled Siberia 4

Charoit tumbled Siberia 6

Charoit tumbled Siberia 7

Charoit tumbled Siberia 8

Charoit tumbled Siberia 9

Charoite, black obsidian and crystal bead bracelet RB Design 38

Cheerful fashionable bracelet made of colored ulexites with a protective talisman

Chevron Amethyst and Tree of Life Keychain

Chevron amethyst heart key ring

Children's bracelet green

Children's bracelet multicolor

Children's bracelet Pink Fairy

Children's bracelet purple

Children's bracelet Purple Fairy

Children's bracelet Turquoise fairy

Children's bracelet Two angels pink color

Children's bracelet Two angels purple color

Children's bracelet Two angels turquoise color

Children's bracelet Two angels yellow color

Children's bracelet with colored beads and a flower

Children's cyclamen bracelet

Children's cyclamen bracelet

Children's pearl bracelet pearls 8 mm

Children's pink bracelet

Children's yellow bracelet

Cognac amber bracelet with amethyst for children

Cognac colored amber beads with amethyst for children

Cracked agate multicolor bracelet RB Design 190

Crystal bracelet faceted angelic aura in iridescent tone

Crystal cracked bracelet extra with amethyst

Crystal violet rock crystal bracelet RB Design 64

Dark purple burlap bag 12.5x14 cm

Designer bracelet in pink-purple tone RB Design 153

Drummed Kunzite

Electric LED lamp Flower of life with amethyst

Electric LED lamp Symbol Ohm with amethyst

Enchant bracelet chopped

Energy Fire Bracelet RB Design 130

Exclusive raw amethyst necklace

Extra chakra candle in glass without fragrance

Fiore d'Oriente Chakra Sahasrara incense sticks

Flower cubic zirconia colored chain bracelet

Fluorite bracelet chopped with lotus symbol

Fluorite bracelet chopped with the sign of Om

Fluorite bracelet with drawstring

Fluorite Buddha bracelet 10 mm

Fluorite chopped Buddhist bracelet

Fluorite crystal double-sided gold color

Fluorite crystal double-sided silver color

Fluorite designer bracelet with metal

Fluorite grape pendant with angel wings

Fluorite heart pendant

Fluorite massage heart against stress

Fluorite multicolor bead bracelet 10 mm

Fluorite multicolor bead bracelet 8 mm

Fluorite multicolor bracelet with extra beads and stone pieces

Fluorite multicolor bracelet with glittering applications

Fluorite multicolor Buddhist beaded bracelet

Fluorite multicolor cut bracelet with glass beads

Fluorite multicolor guardian angel

Fluorite multicolor polished plate bracelet with extra ovals

Fluorite multicolor wrap bracelet made of AA quality cut beads

Fluorite pendant Heart 1.5 cm

Fluorite pendant Rectangle handle gold color

Fluorite pendant Rectangle handle silver color

Fluorite rainbow bracelet chopped AA quality

Fluorite rainbow bracelet extra AA quality cut beads

Fluorite rainbow bracelet extra made of tumbled stones

Fluorite rainbow bracelet made of AA quality cut beads

Fluorite rainbow chakra bracelet with Tree of Life

Fluorite Rainbow Chopped Heart Bracelet

Fluorite rainbow patty

Fluorite ring adjustable size

Fossil stone beaded bracelet with amethyst

Gift set of raw semi-precious stones in a box - 6 pieces

Gift set of raw stones in a box - 25 pcs random mix

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a box - 12 pieces

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a box - 15 pieces

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a box - 16 pieces

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a box - 24 pieces

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a box - 3 x 24 types

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a box - 31 pieces

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a box - 36 pieces on a brown background

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a box - 36 pieces on a white background

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a photo frame - 35 pieces

Glass candle holder for tea lights and votive candles 8 cm

Glittering bracelet made of large white pearls and cut glass beads

Glittering elastic bracelet made of colored pearls and glass Aura beads

Glittering gold-plated bracelet with multicolor cubic zirconia 25 cm

Glittering silver bracelet with multicolor cubic zirconia

Glittering Wings bracelet with cubic zirconia

Green tourmaline in crystal pendant silver Ag 925 P169

Green tourmaline in crystal pendant silver Ag 925 P173

Green tourmaline in crystal pendant silver Ag 925 P187

Green tourmaline in crystal pendant silver Ag 925 P196

Gua sha made of amethyst heart shape

Hand carved amethyst dragon head

Hand carved multicolor fluorite dragon head

Hand carved multicolor fluorite skull

Hematite faceted bracelet with amethyst beads

Hematite fashion bracelet with black agate and green ulexite

Hematite fashion bracelet with black agate and pink ulexite

Hematite fashion bracelet with black agate and white ulexite

Hematite oval bracelet with satin amethyst beads

Incense sticks 7 Čaker 35 pcs

Incense sticks Fiore d'Oriente Chakra Discovery set

Incense sticks gift set for chakra harmonization

Iolite bracelet made of irregular stones

Jadeite purple-green and cracked crystal bracelet RB Design 140

Jewelry box travel petrol 10 cm

Jewelry box travel red 10 cm

Jubilee designer bracelet made of amethyst and rose gold RB Design 100

Keshi pearls, kunzite and agate bracelet RB Design 169

Keychain Dreamcatcher with pieces of amethyst

Keychain with amethyst and Angel wings

Keychain with amethyst and dragon

Keychain with amethyst heart 2.5 cm

Keychain with amethyst heart size M

Keyring Tree of Life with amethyst

Kunzit raw pendant 1.3 - 2 cm

Kunzit with hematite beaded bracelet

Kunzite and foil glass bracelet RB Design 208

Kunzite and Lava Sparkling Beaded Bracelet

Kunzite and metal three-row bracelet

Kunzite bracelet made of AA quality beads

Kunzite luxury beaded bracelet with lava

Kunzite luxury bracelet extra AA quality 10 mm

Kunzite plate bracelet AA quality

Kunzite raw China

Kunzite Raw Nigeria 1

Kunzite Raw Nigeria 2

Kunzite Raw Nigeria 3

Kunzite Raw Nigeria 4

Kunzite Raw Nigeria 5

Kunzite spire - obelisk 1

Kunzite spire - obelisk 10

Kunzite spire - obelisk 2

Kunzite spire - obelisk 3

Kunzite spire - obelisk 5

Kunzite spire - obelisk 6

Labradorite bracelet chopped chakra with lava

Lapis lazuli and rose gold bracelet chopped extra

Lava stone and amethyst bead earrings

Lava stone and amethyst in metal beaded bracelet

Lava stone and amethyst pendant earrings with beads

Lava stone bracelet combined with amethyst

Lava Stone Chakra Bracelet with Shamballa Clasp

Lava stone necklace and bracelet with amethyst

Lava stone necklace with amethyst

Lava stone necklace with satin amethyst

Lavender Jadeite Tumbled Turkey 1

Lavender Jadeite Tumbled Turkey 2

Lavender Jadeite Tumbled Turkey 3

Lavender Jadeite Tumbled Turkey 4

Lavender Jadeite Tumbled Turkey 5

Lemon-colored amber beads with amethyst for children

Lepidolite and cut crystal bracelet RB Design 122

Lepidolite pendant with Tree of Life

Lepidolite polished freeform Madagascar 1

Lepidolite polished freeform Madagascar 2

Lepidolite polished freeform Madagascar 3

Lepidolite raw Portugal

Lepidolite Runestone Set

Lepidolite, jadeite and obsidian designer bracelet RB Design 193

Lilac lotus candlestick

Lotus candle for the crown chakra

Lotus Flower Feng Shui Chakra Crystal Window Curtain

Lotus flower with purple beads Feng Shui curtain to the window made of crystals

Lotus meditation pillow with Om symbol

Luxurious pearl necklace made of multicolored pearls and beads in Swarovski style

Luxury bracelet made of precious stones and pearls

Luxury bracelet made of precious stones and pearls with jade

Luxury bracelet made of precious stones and pearls with lapis lazuli

Luxury chakra bracelet made of precious stone beads

Luxury chakra bracelet wrap made of precious stones

Meditation pillow for the 7th chakra

Meditation Pillow Symbol Om

Meditation pillow Symbol Om with the symbols of the seven chakras

Mix gemstone bracelet made of ovals

Morning Glory Heart Feng Shui window hanging made of cut crystals and metal

Mother and daughter bracelets made of colored acrylic beads

Mother and daughter bracelets made of colored glass beads

Mother and Daughter Forever Bracelets

Mother and daughter glass bead bracelets with flowers

Multicolor fluorite bracelet and earrings set

Necklace made of wooden beads with amethyst

Nine planets bracelet made of semi-precious stones and lava beads

Onyx Buddha Tibetan Chakra Necklace

Onyx chakra necklace with amethyst beads

Organza gift bag 13 x 18 cm purple with hearts

Orgonite heart pendant with amethyst

Orgonite pendant crystal with amethyst

Orgonite pendant crystal with amethyst and crystal

Orgonite pendant crystal with jade and crystal

Orgonite pendant crystal with lapis lazuli and crystal

Orgonite pendant Tree of life with amethyst

Orgonite pendant with amethyst and Flower of Life

Orgonite pendant with amethyst and Tree of Life

Orgonite pendant with amethyst pentagon

Orgonite pendant with amethyst, aventurine and Tree of Life

Orgonite pyramid with amethyst and amethyst crystal

Orgonite pyramid with amethyst and crystal large with Bagua

Orgonite pyramid with amethyst Runa Dagaz

Orgonite pyramid with amethyst Runa Pertho

Orgonite pyramid with amethyst Symbol Om

Orgonite tricolor obelisk

Paper gift box Drawer 7.8 cm

Paua abalon mother of pearl bracelet made of irregular pieces

Paua abalon mother of pearl Wheels bracelet with beads

Paua abalon nacre Hearts bracelet with beads

Paua abalone with pearls bracelet RB Design 206

Pendant Glass heart with amethyst

Phosphosiderite drummed Peru

Phosphosiderite raw Peru

Plate bracelet with pieces of amethyst

Purple Amethyst Bracelet and Earrings Set

Purple lotus candlestick

Purpurite raw

Purpurite raw Namibia

Purpurite raw Portugal box

Rainbow fluorite drummed

Rainbow fluorite raw

Raw Madagascar Tanzanite

Red garnet, purple amethyst, lilac kunzite with rose bracelet RB Design 151

Reiki set of amethyst stones with Reiki symbols

Reiki set of stones with Reiki symbols in a wooden box

Ritual bell with a large dorice

Ritual Bell with dorge 17 cm

Ritual Bell with Dorje 11 cm

Ritual Bell with Dorje 12.5 cm

Ritual Bell with dorje 13.5 cm

Ritual Bell with dorje 18 cm

Ritual Bell with Dorje small 11 cm

Rosary and amethyst beaded necklace

Scented candle in a glass with the scent of lavender, tangerine and vanilla Flower of life purple

Scented table chakra candle

Scented Votive Calming Candle

Semi-precious stone chakra necklace with pearls

Set of 2 pull-on fashion bracelets with glass beads and hearts

Set of 6 Feng Shui Coasters Tree of Life

Set of 6 Feng Shui Moon Phases

Set of 7 fashion bracelets made of colored glass beads

Set of 9 fashion bracelets made of glass beads

Set of Aromafume incense bricks and Flower of Life diffuser

Set of Aromafume incense bricks for 5 Feng Shui elements and diffuser

Set of Aromafume incense bricks for 7 chakras and diffuser

Set of five bracelets - amethyst, rose gold, white jade

Set of stones in a box - 20 pcs random mix

Set of stones in a box - 5 raw minerals

Set of three attractive amethyst bracelets

Set of three bracelets - amethyst, fluorite, crystal

Set of three bracelets - amethyst, rosewood, sodalite

Set of three bracelets - aquamarine, amazonite and fluorite

Set of three bracelets - crystal, amethyst, fluorite

Set of three bracelets - crystal, fluorite and aventurine

Set of three bracelets - crystal, rose gold and fluorite

Set of three cracked agate bracelets - Sun, Moon, Star

Set of two pearl and amethyst bracelets

Set of two rainbow fluorite bracelets

Silver bracelet with African amethysts Ag 925 014081 AFAM

Silver bracelet with African amethysts Ag 925 015955 AFAM

Silver bracelet with African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 029074 AFAM

Silver bracelet with multi-colored tourmalines Ag 925 015955 MT

Silver earrings with African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 014442 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 012889 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 014969 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 015915 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 016641 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 033750 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 08101 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 010906 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 011529 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 013834 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 016227 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 016771 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 019520 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 025297 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 025929 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 026339 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 031091 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 033780 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 045077 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 07539 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 08787 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 09312 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut Brazilian amethysts Ag 925 042031 BRAME

Silver earrings with cut Brazilian amethysts Ag 925 09813 BRAME

Silver earrings with cut Brazilian amethysts and zircons Ag 925 010645 BRAME

Silver earrings with cut Brazilian amethysts and zircons Ag 925 045303 BRAME

Silver earrings with cut Brazilian amethysts and zircons Ag 925 07539 BRAME

Silver earrings with cut nanozultanites and zircons Ag 925 010906 ZUL

Silver earrings with cut nanozultanities Ag 925 014969 ZUL

Silver earrings with cut nanozultanities Ag 925 09813 ZUL

Silver earrings with cut Pink amethysts Ag 925 033706 PAM

Silver earrings with cut Pink amethysts and zircons Ag 925 07539 PAM

Silver earrings with cut rhodolites Ag 925 014969 RH

Silver earrings with cut rhodolites and zircons Ag 925 023373 RH

Silver earrings with cut tanzanites Ag 925 014969 TZ

Silver earrings with cut tanzanites Ag 925 015915 TZ

Silver earrings with cut tanzanites Ag 925 034420 TZ

Silver earrings with cut tanzanites Ag 925 042031 TZ

Silver earrings with cut tanzanites and zircons Ag 925 012172 TZ

Silver earrings with cut tanzanites and zircons Ag 925 012842 TZ

Silver earrings with cut tanzanites and zircons Ag 925 015356 TZ

Silver earrings with cut tanzanites and zircons Ag 925 015728 TZ

Silver earrings with cut tanzanites and zircons Ag 925 023373 TZ

Silver earrings with cut tanzanites and zircons Ag 925 045303 TZ

Silver pendant with African amethyst Ag 925 014252 AFAM

Silver pendant with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 020118 AFAM

Silver pendant with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 020160 AFAM

Silver pendant with African amethysts Ag 925 034766 AFAM

Silver pendant with African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 010906 AFAM

Silver pendant with African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 043063 AFAM

Silver pendant with Brazilian amethyst and zircons Ag 925 020065 BRAME

Silver pendant with Brazilian amethysts Ag 925 046600 BRAME

Silver pendant with cut African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 021831 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 023185 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 026951 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 039244 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 016803 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 029355 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut Brazilian amethyst Ag 925 06086 BRAME

Silver pendant with cut Brazilian amethysts and zircons Ag 925 039244 BRAME

Silver pendant with cut Brazilian amethysts and zircons Ag 925 07885 BRAME

Silver pendant with cut Pink amethysts and zircons Ag 925 07885 PAM

Silver pendant with cut rhodolites and zircons Ag 925 010250 RH

Silver pendant with cut rhodolites and zircons Ag 925 020118 RH

Silver pendant with cut tanzanites Ag 925 015924 TZ

Silver pendant with cut tanzanites Ag 925 034766 TZ

Silver pendant with cut tanzanites and zircons Ag 925 010250 TZ

Silver pendant with cut tanzanites and zircons Ag 925 016803 TZ

Silver pendant with cut tanzanites and zircons Ag 925 020166 TZ

Silver pendant with large cut amethyst Ag 925 015657 AME

Silver pendant with large cut nanozultanite Ag 925 015657 ZUL

Silver pendant with large cut Pink amethyst Ag 925 015657 PAM

Silver pendant with tanzanite Ag 925 044173 TZ

Silver pendant with tanzanite and zircons Ag 925 020065 TZ

Silver pendant with tanzanite and zircons Ag 925 039244 TZ

Silver Ring Set with Brazilian Amethyst and Zircons Ag 925 046587 BRAME

Silver ring with African amethyst and large zircons Ag 925 012108 AFAM

Silver ring with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 016430 AFAM

Silver ring with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 017195 AFAM

Silver ring with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 026069 AFAM

Silver ring with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 026296 AFAM

Silver ring with African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 026097 AFAM

Silver ring with Brazilian amethyst and zircons Ag 925 010436 BRAME

Silver ring with Brazilian amethyst and zircons Ag 925 026068 BRAME

Silver ring with Brazilian amethyst and zircons Ag 925 036636 BRAME

Silver ring with Brazilian amethyst and zircons Ag 925 048101 BRAME

Silver ring with brushed nanozultanite and zircons Ag 925 031131 ZUL

Silver ring with cut rhodolite and zircons Ag 925 017195 RH

Silver ring with cut tanzanite and zircon Ag 925 031121 TZ

Silver ring with cut tanzanite and zircons Ag 925 012722 TZ

Silver ring with cut tanzanite and zircons Ag 925 026295 TZ

Silver ring with cut tanzanites Ag 925 023241 TZ

Silver ring with cut tanzanites Ag 925 034710 TZ

Silver ring with cut tanzanites and zircons Ag 925 026347 TZ

Silver ring with cut tanzanites and zircons Rhodium line Ag 925 016530 TZ-Z

Silver ring with large cut nanozultanite and zircons Ag 925 015554 ZUL

Silver ring with tanzanite Ag 925 014807 TZ

Silver ring with tanzanite and zircons Ag 925 015090 TZ

Silver ring with tanzanite and zircons Ag 925 015092 TZ

Singing bowl for the crown chakra

Stichtit and serpentine patty

Stichtit drummed

Stichtit purple pendant silver Ag 925 77748

Stichtit purple pendant silver Ag 925 77754

Stichtite ball 1

Stichtite ball 10

Stichtite ball 11

Stichtite ball 13

Stichtite ball 15

Stichtite ball 16

Stichtite ball 17

Stichtite ball 2

Stichtite ball 3

Stichtite ball 4

Stichtite ball 5

Stichtite ball 6

Stichtite ball 7

Stichtite ball 8

Stichtite ball 9

Stichtite spike - obelisk 1

Stichtite spike - obelisk 10

Stichtite spike - obelisk 12

Stichtite spike - obelisk 13

Stichtite spike - obelisk 14

Stichtite spike - obelisk 15

Stichtite spike - obelisk 2

Stichtite spike - obelisk 3

Stichtite spike - obelisk 4

Stichtite spike - obelisk 5

Stichtite spike - obelisk 6

Stichtite spike - obelisk 7

Stichtite spike - obelisk 8

Stichtite spike - obelisk 9

Sun and Moonstone, Lepidolite and Jadeite Bracelet RB Design 186

Sun stone, lepidolite and agate bracelet RB Design 183

Tanzanite bracelet cut beads 2 mm

Tanzanite bracelet extra quality beads 10 mm

Tanzanite crystal raw Tanzania 1

Tanzanite crystal raw Tanzania 2

Tanzanite crystal raw Tanzania 3

Tanzanite crystal raw Tanzania 4

Tanzanite crystal raw Tanzania 5

Tanzanite crystal raw Tanzania 6

Tanzanite crystal raw Tanzania 7

The Amethyst Buddha wore a chakra bracelet

Thulit chopped bracelet

Tibetan Cymbal with chakra symbols

Tibetan Cymbal with eight symbols of good luck

Tibetan Cymbal with mantra

Tibetan Cymbal with mantra Om Mani Padme Hum 6 cm

Tibetan Cymbal with mantra Om Mani Padme Hum 6.7 cm

Tibetan Cymbal with symbols of prosperity

Titanium aura crystal crystal pendant

Tourmaline multicolor bracelet extra AA quality ground beads

Travel jewelry box green Rectangle

Travel jewelry box pink 10 cm

Travel jewelry box red Rectangle

Travel petrol jewelry box Rectangle

Tree of life orgonite pendant with aventurine

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 1

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 2

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 3

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 4

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 5

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 6

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 7

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 8

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 9

Violet quartz pendant Heart 2.4 cm

Votive chakra scented candle in glass for the 6th chakra

Votive chakra scented candle in glass for the 7th chakra

White howlite and kunzite double row bracelet with glass beads

White pearl bracelet with amethyst

White pearl bracelet with amethyst and butterfly

Women's pearl bracelet pearls 9 mm