IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesWhat are chakras? [Chakras meaning and symbols]

What are chakras? [Chakras meaning and symbols]


The term "chakra" itself comes from Sanskrit, one of the oldest known languages, and in translation it means a circle or a wheel. Each has its own specific color.

arks - symbols and location on the body

What are chakras?

They are defined as energy places in the body. Each of the chakras affects certain organs, positively or negatively. The chakras must be in balance and must function properly - issuing and receiving energy to keep the human body healthy. Energy flows through the meridians, which are the pathways that connect the individual chakras. There are 7 main chakras, several thousand secondary ones. If all chakras are in harmony, human life is also harmonious.

Although there is no scientific evidence for the existence of chakras, this does not require their automatic rejection. The form can be seen, for example, in placebo, which is an inactive substance formulated and used, for example, as a comparative treatment for a drug that is the subject of a clinical trial. Placebo can positively affect many diseases, especially psychosomatic diseases, either fully or only partially. It is essential that the patient trusts that the medicine has been given to him.

Chakras and their meaning

In this article, we will talk about what is called which chakra, where it is located, which element it is assigned to, what is the basic principle and which area is positively influenced. Chakras - symbols are another of the characters that characterize each chakra. Chakras - the description of each chakra is a mantra: man = think and tra = tool, true word. Mantras are words and their sound, which are used for repeated recitation or meditation (repetition only in the mind) and which aim to calm the mind. Each chakra is given its specific mantra.

Muladhara - root or basic chakra, 1st chakra
Mul means root and adhar is the basis.

acre root - symbol

The chakra is located at the lower end of the spine. It is assigned to the element Earth , it affects the sense of smell and its basic principle is the will to be and to have.

It has a positive effect on sexuality, sensuality and desire, a sense of security and stability. It connects us with the physical world, gives us the strength to assert ourselves and endure, it is considered the basis and source of life force for the higher chakras.
Mantra: laahm (pronounce: lam).

Svadhisthana - sacral or also sexual and cross chakra, in the order of the 2nd chakra

acre sacral - symbol

The sacral chakra is located in the abdomen, between the pubic bone and the navel. It is assigned to the element Water , it affects taste and its basic principle is feeling, creative reproduction and being. It is associated with the emotional body and sensuality.

Chakra positively affects basic emotions, relationships, joy, creativity and pleasure. It is the center of sexual energy, creative forces and true emotions. This chakra allows access to energies penetrating nature and giving life. Through the sacral chakra, the astral plane merges with fantasy, jealousy, envy, joy and mercy.
Mantra: vaahm (pronounce you).

Manipura - solar plexus chakra or also umbilical chakra, organized by the 3rd chakra

acre solar plexus - symbol

The chakra of the solar plexus is located in the area of the solar plexus (on the navel, under the thorax). It is assigned to the element Fire , affects the sight, and the basic principle is the formation of Being. Manipura has a positive effect on complex emotions, personal strength, opinions and suppresses fear. It is the seat of emotions such as anger, fear, guilt and unhealthy desires. This is where our self-confidence and passion are.
Mantra: raahm (pronounce: ram).

Anahata - the heart chakra, or also the heart chakra, in the order of the 4th chakra

acre heart - symbol

Anahata is located in the middle of the chest in the heart area. It is assigned to the element Air , it affects touch and the basic principle is devotion. This chakra positively affects complex emotions, compassion, devotion, unconditional love and well-being. Creates the center of the chakra system. It connects the three lower physical-emotional centers with the three upper - spiritual centers. Its symbol is a hexagon. There is the ability to empathize, compass, tune in to the wave of someone else, generosity, kindness and the ability to experience, the purpose of the chakra is unification through love.
Mantra: yaahm (pronounce: jam).

Vishuddha - throat chakra or also neck or communication chakra, in the order of the 5th chakra

acre of the throat - symbol 1

Vishuddha is located in the neck area. It is assigned to the element Ether, it affects hearing and the basic principle is resonance with Being and speaking. This chakra positively affects self-expression, communication, independence and fluent thoughts. It is the center of expressive skills and inspiration. It creates a connection between the lower chakras and the chakras of the head and serves as a bridge between thoughts and feelings, impulses and reactions to them. Through it, we express laughter, crying, feelings of joy, fear, anger, desires, opinions and perceptions of the world around us.
Mantra: haam (pronounce: ham)

Ajna - the chakra of the Third Eye or also the frontal chakra, in the order of the 6th chakra

acre of the Third Eye - symbol

Ajna (pronunciation: ajna) is placed on the forehead, between the eyebrows. It is assigned to the element Light , it affects all the senses and extrasensory perception, and the basic principle is the knowledge of Being and vision. This chakra positively affects intuition and inner guidance and consciousness and balances our own selves. It is the seat of awareness processes where we can create new realities and suppress or disrupt old ones. It is the seat of higher spiritual powers and intellectual abilities, memory, will and discernment.
Mantra: ohmm or aumm (pronounce: om).

Sahasrara - crown chakra or also chakra chakra, in the order of the 7th chakra

acre crown - symbol

Sahasrara is located on the top of the head. It is assigned to the element of Thinking , it affects all the senses, and the basic principle is pure Being and the ability to know. This chakra positively affects pure consciousness, karma, meditation and spiritual unity. It is the seat of the highest perfection in man and contains the energies of the lower centers - the chakras. This is where our journey through life began and we will return here at the end of our development. Through this chakra all blockages of other chakras can be released. Sahasrara brings wisdom and union with the higher Being. The energy extends upwards and connects us with the energy of the universe.
Silent contemplation is intended for this chakra.

Chakras: we find significance mainly in Hinduism and other currents of thought connected with Hinduism. As we have already mentioned - even though their existence is not scientifically proven, we do not necessarily reject them. They can be focused on as places where our feelings are concentrated, whether positive or negative, properties, perception, speech, thoughts, ability to express, create, be empathetic, etc. They can be understood as places of concentrated energy, which we can try positively influence eg by meditation. The primary and important thing is that we feel good, relaxed and happy, full of positive energy and strength, which can be helped, for example, by practicing yoga and harmonizing meditations, or a suitable diet.

She wrote the article for you on July 31, 2021: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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