IntroductionJewelryJewelry with gemstonesStone braceletsChopped bracelets made of semi-precious stones

Chopped bracelets made of semi-precious stones

Bracelets with semi-precious stones will adorn you and at the same time direct your inner energy correctly. Choose from our wide selection of chopped bracelets, which are available in various sizes. These special bracelets are not only an attractive accessory, but also have positive effects on your inner balance.

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Crystal strawberry bracelet chopped extra
A unique bracelet made of round chopped pieces of rare natural strawberry crystal allegedly harmonizes the body and mind.

Crystal strawberry bracelet chopped extra

circuit approx 17 to 23 cm
in stock
3.43 €2.57 €
Discount -25%
Set of three bracelets - amethyst, rosewood, sodalite
A set of three bracelets - made of amethyst, gentle rosary and sodality - as a talisman of love, passion, humility and understanding.

Set of three bracelets - amethyst, rosewood, sodalite

obvod cca 16 až 22 cm
in stock
6.52 €4.89 €
Discount -25%
Amazonite chopped bracelet
The bracelet made of amazonite pieces calms, calms the nervous system, absorbs harmful radiation from mobile phones.

Amazonite chopped bracelet

in stock
3.05 €2.29 €
Discount -25%
Tiger eye chopped bracelet
A bracelet made of chopped round pieces of a tiger's eye. The tiger's eye protects, strengthens willpower, and brings prosperity and happiness.

Tiger eye chopped bracelet

in stock
2.12 €1.59 €
Discount -25%
Fluorite chopped bracelet
A bracelet made of fluorite pieces brings truth, protection and peace. It relieves stress and anxiety, supports the mind and body.

Fluorite chopped bracelet

in stock
2.12 €1.59 €
Discount -25%
in stock
7.29 €5.47 €
Discount -25%
Turquoise chopped bracelet extra
Bracelet made of chopped, round pieces of natural turquoise on an elastic band. Turquoise brings joy and wealth.

Turquoise chopped bracelet extra

in stock
4.98 €3.73 €
Discount -25%
Chrysopras bracelet chopped extra
A beautiful bracelet made of chopped pieces of rare chrysoprase is said to bring prosperity. It is said that it also strengthens courage and hope, and frees negative thoughts.

Chrysopras bracelet chopped extra

circuit approx 17 to 23 cm
in stock
9.60 €7.20 €
Discount -25%
Crystal and Turquoise Chopped Bracelet
An attractive bracelet made of pieces of crystal and turquoise supposedly protects against all evil and negativity, brings inner peace, acts against depression, fear.

Crystal and Turquoise Chopped Bracelet

obvod cca 17 až 22 cm
in stock
2.12 €1.59 €
Discount -25%
Tourmaline black skoryl chopped bracelet
An elegant bracelet composed of pieces of black tourmaline skoryl, which removes stress, anger, fear and negativity.

Tourmaline black skoryl chopped bracelet

circuit approx 17 to 23 cm
in stock
3.05 €2.29 €
Discount -25%
Chopped bracelet
The bracelet made of aventurine pieces is said to increase sensitivity, perseverance and creativity, and brings happiness and wealth.

Chopped bracelet

in stock
2.12 €1.59 €
Discount -25%
Sun stone extra chopped bracelet
Bracelet made of chopped round pieces of sunstone of extra quality, which is a source of optimism, good mood and vitality.

Sun stone extra chopped bracelet

in stock
5.75 €4.31 €
Discount -25%
Howlite white (magnesite) chopped bracelet
The bracelet made of howlite pieces allegedly calms, suppresses anger and rage, soothes upset feelings, helps with insomnia.

Howlite white (magnesite) chopped bracelet

in stock
2.12 €1.59 €
Discount -25%
Fluorite and metal fashion triple bracelet with beads
An attractive metal bracelet with fluorite stones and beads brings truth, protection, relieves stress and anxiety, and supports the spirit and body.

Fluorite and metal fashion triple bracelet with beads

cca 16 - 26 cm
in stock
3.82 €2.29 €
Discount -40%
Chopped apatite bracelet
A beautiful bracelet made of pieces of beautiful blue apatite.

Chopped apatite bracelet

circuit approx. 17 to 23 cm
in stock
3.47 €2.60 €
Discount -25%
Růženín's bracelet chopped
Bracelet made of chopped round pieces of rosewood on a rubber band. Rosary is a symbol of love, beauty and healing.

Růženín's bracelet chopped

in stock
1.50 €1.13 €
Discount -25%
Chopped sodalite bracelet
Bracelet made of chopped, round pieces of sodalite on an elastic band. Sodalite suppresses mental and emotional confusion, it adds courage.

Chopped sodalite bracelet

in stock
2.12 €1.59 €
Discount -25%
Cut rosette bracelet with an amethyst bead
A charming bracelet in a beautiful and energetically powerful combination of pieces of rose gold and an amethyst bead is said to summon love and also protect.

Cut rosette bracelet with an amethyst bead

circumference approx. 16 to 22 cm
in stock
1.89 €1.42 €
Discount -25%
Malachite bracelet chopped extra quality
A bracelet made of high-quality pieces of malachite protects when traveling, absorbs negative energies and promotes restful sleep.

Malachite bracelet chopped extra quality

in stock
4.59 €3.44 €
Discount -25%
Serafinite chopped bracelet AA quality
The serafinite bracelet radiates very pleasant natural energy and teaches to find healing in nature. He connects us to angels.

Serafinite chopped bracelet AA quality

circuit approx 16 až 23 cm
in stock
7.67 €5.76 €
Discount -25%
Ametrin chopped bracelet
The bracelet made of ametrine pieces bears the properties of amethyst and citrine. Reduces stress and tension, calms, protects.

Ametrin chopped bracelet

in stock
3.05 €2.29 €
Discount -25%
Set of five bracelets - citrine, moonstone, rose quartz, tiger's eye and sagenite
Set of five bracelets - citrine, moonstone, rose quartz, tiger's eye and sagenite. Polished stone bracelets are popular, unisex, affordable and easy to mix and match.

Set of five bracelets - citrine, moonstone, rose quartz, tiger's eye and sagenite

circuit approx. 16 to 22 cm
in stock
9.60 €7.20 €
Discount -25%
Obsidian snowflake chopped bracelet
The bracelet made of obsidian flake pieces provides strong protection against evil and all negativity.

Obsidian snowflake chopped bracelet

in stock
2.12 €1.59 €
Discount -25%
Set of three bracelets - aquamarine, amazonite and fluorite
A set of three bracelets made of aquamarine, amazonite and fluorite to suppress negativity and encourage positive thoughts.

Set of three bracelets - aquamarine, amazonite and fluorite

length cca 16 to 23 cm
in stock
7.67 €5.76 €
Discount -25%
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