Citrine and Charoite
Citrine and its purported effects have been known throughout the world and perhaps in all cultures for millennia. People traditionally use it mainly to suppress negative energy, increase creativity and attract wealth. It is also one of the few precious stones that are traditionally attributed with various supporting properties, which are said to not need to be "cleansed" of negative energies. Its deposits can be found in America, Europe and Asia.
The charoite stone is considered a very spiritual stone, not only in the area where it is found, in Siberia, it is popular as a traditional stone for overcoming difficult life situations, fear and introducing changes in our lives. You can buy a charm pendant or tumbled stone, the stone is suitable for meditation.

Silver earrings with cut citrines and zircons Ag 925 012172 CT

A set of Love trees made of citrine - a gift of love

Citrine lemon egg 1

Citrine lemon egg 2

Citrine lemon egg 4

Citrine lemon egg 5

Citrine lemon egg 6

Citrine lemon egg 9

Silver earrings with cut citrines and zircons Ag 925 010645 CT

Citrine lemon ball 1

Citrine lemon ball 2

Citrine lemon ball 3

Citrine lemon ball 4

Aventurine tree on a chakra stand

A set of Love trees made of aventurine - a gift of love