IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesCrown Chakra - Sahasrara

Crown Chakra - Sahasrara

Crown or crown chakra - Sahasrara, the 7th chakra positively affects pure consciousness, spiritual unity, meditation, karma. Its color is white, purple or gold.

The white color brings the power of enlightenment, represents individual cycles in nature. It is a symbol of purity, unity and innocence, a symbol of energy, it encourages self-knowledge, thought processes and perception of one's own consciousness.

Purple symbolizes creativity, new beginnings and knowledge. Purple is the color of people born when the old year leaves and the new year reaches the winter solstice, i.e. December 22 to January 20, people born under the sign of Capricorn . Violet combines the fiery passion of the red ray and the intuition of the violet color. It helps to look into our emotions and logic, it is the color of understanding and self-knowledge.

Gold symbolizes success, enthusiasm, happiness and power. The vibrant combination of the pure yellow color with the orange color of joy brings together royal gold, which is the color of people born in the magical month of midsummer, i.e. July 23 to August 22, under the sign of Leo.

The crown chakra is the seat of the highest perfection in man, it contains all the energies of the lower centers. The seventh chakra is the starting point for the manifestations of the energies of all the other chakras. It is the place from where our journey in life began, where we will return at the end of our development. By developing the seventh chakra, the last blockages in the other chakras are also released and their energies begin to oscillate at the highest frequencies possible for them.

A developed crown chakra brings wisdom, spiritual connection and union with a higher being. Without an open seventh chakra, we will still feel separate from the fullness of being, we will still not be completely free from the feeling of fear. A lack of energy in the seventh chakra manifests itself in passivity, apathy and confusion. On the contrary, when there is an excess of unrealized energy, frustrations, depressions or unpredictable thought forms occur.

Location: lies on the top of the head.

Color: purple, white or gold.

Element: thinking.

Sensory perception: all senses.

Basic principle: pure Being, to know.

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