IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesCrown Chakra - Sahasrara
Crown Chakra - Sahasrara
Crown or crown chakra - Sahasrara, the 7th chakra positively affects pure consciousness, spiritual unity, meditation, karma. Its color is white, purple or gold.
The white color brings the power of enlightenment, represents individual cycles in nature. It is a symbol of purity, unity and innocence, a symbol of energy, it encourages self-knowledge, thought processes and perception of one's own consciousness.
Purple symbolizes creativity, new beginnings and knowledge. Purple is the color of people born when the old year leaves and the new year reaches the winter solstice, i.e. December 22 to January 20, people born under the sign of Capricorn . Violet combines the fiery passion of the red ray and the intuition of the violet color. It helps to look into our emotions and logic, it is the color of understanding and self-knowledge.
Gold symbolizes success, enthusiasm, happiness and power. The vibrant combination of the pure yellow color with the orange color of joy brings together royal gold, which is the color of people born in the magical month of midsummer, i.e. July 23 to August 22, under the sign of Leo.
The crown chakra is the seat of the highest perfection in man, it contains all the energies of the lower centers. The seventh chakra is the starting point for the manifestations of the energies of all the other chakras. It is the place from where our journey in life began, where we will return at the end of our development. By developing the seventh chakra, the last blockages in the other chakras are also released and their energies begin to oscillate at the highest frequencies possible for them.
A developed crown chakra brings wisdom, spiritual connection and union with a higher being. Without an open seventh chakra, we will still feel separate from the fullness of being, we will still not be completely free from the feeling of fear. A lack of energy in the seventh chakra manifests itself in passivity, apathy and confusion. On the contrary, when there is an excess of unrealized energy, frustrations, depressions or unpredictable thought forms occur.
Location: lies on the top of the head.
Color: purple, white or gold.
Element: thinking.
Sensory perception: all senses.
Basic principle: pure Being, to know.
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Amethyst pink spike - obelisk 36

Amethyst pink spike - obelisk 38

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Amethyst pink spike - obelisk 40

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Amethyst pink spike - obelisk 44

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Amethyst pink spike - obelisk 47

Amethyst pink spike - obelisk 48

Amethyst pink spike - obelisk 49

Amethyst pink spike - obelisk 50

Amethyst pink spike - obelisk 51

Amethyst pink spike - obelisk 52

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Amethyst satin earrings with tassel

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Amethyst with pearls chain bracelet

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Amethyst, crystal, rose quartz massage stick

Ametrine patty

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Auralite drummed Canada

Auralite oval bracelet

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Author's bracelet for the Sagittarius RB Design 112 sign

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Author's bracelet Zima RB Design 159

Aventurine Green Amethyst Tree of Life Pendant

Black agate and mother-of-pearl from porcelain flower beads bracelet RB Design 143

Black satin agate with semi-precious stones men's bracelet RB Design 199

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Bracelet made of white pearls 4 mm

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Brocade bag light pink

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Ceramic aroma diffuser Lotus flower black

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Chakra bracelet chopped with metal ornaments

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Chakra earrings Infinity silver Ag 925

Chakra flower pendant

Chakra grape pendant

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Chakra keychain with the tree of life

Chakra Keychain with Tree of Life II.

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Chakra pendant with crescent moon

Chakra pendant with waxed string

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Charm tumbled extra quality

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Charoit drummed Siberia 1

Charoit drummed Siberia 12

Charoit drummed Siberia 13

Charoit drummed Siberia 14

Charoit drummed Siberia 15

Charoit drummed Siberia 16

Charoit drummed Siberia 17

Charoit drummed Siberia 18

Charoit drummed Siberia 19

Charoit drummed Siberia 20

Charoit drummed Siberia 21

Charoit drummed Siberia 22

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Charoit tumbled Siberia 10

Charoit tumbled Siberia 11

Charoit tumbled Siberia 2

Charoit tumbled Siberia 3

Charoit tumbled Siberia 4

Charoit tumbled Siberia 6

Charoit tumbled Siberia 7

Charoit tumbled Siberia 8

Charoit tumbled Siberia 9

Chest and wood stand for incense sticks Symbols of chakras

Chevron Amethyst and Tree of Life Keychain

Chevron amethyst heart key ring

Children's pearl bracelet pearls 8 mm

Chopped pearl bracelet

Combustion mixture for harmonizing the crown chakra - Sahasrara

Crystal - Girasol tip Brazil 1

Crystal - Girasol tip Brazil 10

Crystal - Girasol tip Brazil 11

Crystal - Girasol tip Brazil 12

Crystal - Girasol tip Brazil 13

Crystal - Girasol tip Brazil 14

Crystal - Girasol tip Brazil 15

Crystal - Girasol tip Brazil 16

Crystal - Girasol tip Brazil 17

Crystal - Girasol tip Brazil 2

Crystal - Girasol tip Brazil 3

Crystal - Girasol tip Brazil 4

Crystal - Girasol tip Brazil 5

Crystal - Girasol tip Brazil 6

Crystal - Girasol tip Brazil 7

Crystal - Girasol tip Brazil 8

Crystal - Girasol tip Brazil 9

Crystal circle pendant with Tree of Life

Crystal conical pendant on a waxed string

Crystal cracked bracelet extra with amethyst

Crystal crystal pendant with chain

Crystal cut bracelet with Mother of Pearl

Crystal cut pendant in the shape of a stalactite

Crystal drop design pendant with chain

Crystal Drop pendant on a string

Crystal massage roller

Crystal milk massage roller

Crystal necklace made of large beads

Crystal ovals and rondels necklace

Crystal pendant roller

Crystal pendant roller 2.2 cm

Crystal pendant Tree of Life 3 cm

Crystal pendant with Tree of Life

Crystal ring adjustable size

Crystal tangerine Brazil Druze 6

Crystal transparent crystal pendant with chain

Crystal tumbled pendant

Crystal with sulfur tambled pendant 1.9 - 2.1 cm

Designer bracelet in pink-purple tone RB Design 153

Drummed Kunzite

Drummed pyrite

Enchant bracelet chopped

Energy metal bracelet RB Design 141

Exclusive raw amethyst necklace

Fashion bracelet with howlite with Shamballa clasp

Fashion earrings with a bunch of pearls

Fashion earrings with slices of Mother of Pearl

Fashion waxed cord bracelet with howlite

Fashionable earrings with pearls

Fashionable earrings with slices of Mother of Pearl white

Feng Shui pendant Heart of crystal

Fiore d'Oriente Chakra Sahasrara incense sticks

Fish shaped obsidian face gua sha

Fluorite bracelet with drawstring

Fluorite designer bracelet with metal

Fluorite dream catcher pendant on chain

Fluorite grape pendant with a large bead

Fluorite grape pendant with angel wings

Fluorite green tambled pendant 1.5 - 2.4 cm

Fluorite multicolor polished plate bracelet with extra ovals

Fluorite Pendant Disk

Fluorite rainbow bracelet chopped AA quality

Fluorite rainbow bracelet extra AA quality cut beads

Fluorite rainbow bracelet extra made of tumbled stones

Fluorite rainbow bracelet made of AA quality cut beads

Fluorite rainbow chakra bracelet with Tree of Life

Fluorite Rainbow Chopped Heart Bracelet

Fluorite raw pendant with metal ornaments

Fragrant Tibetan strings for the seventh chakra Sahasrara

Glass candlestick for tea and votive candles Mosaic white 18 cm

Gold-black Lotus meditation cushion

Gua sha made of amethyst heart shape

Gua sha made of crystal heart shape

Gua sha on a face made of Mushroom crystal

Gua sha on the face from Opalit Mushroom

Hand carved multicolor fluorite dragon head

Hand carved multicolor fluorite skull

Happiness crystal tree

Heart crystal with chakra symbols

Hematoid Quartz Flame Madagascar 1

Hematoid Quartz Flame Madagascar 2

Hematoid Quartz Flame Madagascar 3

Hematoid Quartz Flame Madagascar 4

Hematoid Quartz Flame Madagascar 5

Hematoid quartz flame Madagascar 8 cm

Hematoid quartz flame Madagascar 9.5 cm

Hematoid Quartz Great Flame Madagascar 1

Hematoid Quartz Great Flame Madagascar 2

Hematoid Quartz Great Flame Madagascar 3

Howlit white bead necklace cotton string

Howlit white bracelet with drawstring

Howlit white brass square earrings

Howlit white Cross bracelet

Howlit white cut necklace with semi-precious stones

Howlit white earrings in the shape of drops

Howlit white elastic ring with glass seed beads

Howlit white grape pendant with large bead

Howlit white heart necklace made of stainless steel

Howlit white massage tactile heart

Howlit white pendant oval

Howlit white tambled pendant 1.3 - 2.2 cm

Howlit white with cut glass beads bracelet extra wrap

Howlit white with white ulexite beaded bracelet

Howlite white raw South Africa

Incense sticks Fiore d'Oriente Chakra Discovery set

Jadeite purple-green and cracked crystal bracelet RB Design 140

Jadeite white and sun stone bracelet RB Design 91

Jin corded drawstring bracelet white

Joyful jade, hematite and ulexite bracelet with fairy RB Design 93

Jubilee designer bracelet made of amethyst and rose gold RB Design 100

Keshi pearls, kunzite and agate bracelet RB Design 169

Keychain with blue howlite and dragon

Keychain with crystal variant II

Keychain with white howlite and dragon

Kunzit raw pendant 1.3 - 2 cm

Kunzit with hematite beaded bracelet

Kunzite and foil glass bracelet RB Design 208

Kunzite and metal three-row bracelet

Kunzite bracelet made of AA quality beads

Kunzite luxury bracelet extra AA quality 10 mm

Kunzite plate bracelet AA quality

Kunzite Raw Nigeria 1

Kunzite Raw Nigeria 2

Kunzite Raw Nigeria 3

Kunzite Raw Nigeria 4

Kunzite Raw Nigeria 5

Kunzite spire - obelisk 1

Kunzite spire - obelisk 10

Kunzite spire - obelisk 2

Kunzite spire - obelisk 3

Kunzite spire - obelisk 5

Kunzite spire - obelisk 6

Lapis lazuli earrings brass round

Lapis lazuli earrings brass square

Lapis Lazuli earrings in the shape of drops

Lapis Lazuli flat earrings

Lapis Lazuli Half Moon Earrings

Lapis Lazuli oval earrings

Larimar and steel fashion bracelet wide wrap

Larimar bracelet chopped AA quality extra large pieces

Larimar bracelet chopped extra AA quality

Larimar bracelet chopped with hearts

Larimar chopped bracelet with decorative magnetic clasp

Larimar fashion bracelet

Lava stone and white howlit bead earrings

Lava stone bracelet combined with amethyst

Lava stone bracelet with crystal with silver bead

Lava stone bracelet with white pearls

Lava stone necklace with amethyst

Lava stone necklace with satin amethyst

Lava stone necklace with white magnesite

Lavender Jadeite Tumbled Turkey 1

Lavender Jadeite Tumbled Turkey 2

Lavender Jadeite Tumbled Turkey 3

Lavender Jadeite Tumbled Turkey 4

Lavender Jadeite Tumbled Turkey 5

Leather strap color white floral 1 m

Lepidolite and cut crystal bracelet RB Design 122

Lepidolite polished freeform Madagascar 1

Lepidolite polished freeform Madagascar 2

Lepidolite polished freeform Madagascar 3

Lepidolite raw Portugal

Lepidolite Runestone Set

Lotus candle for the crown chakra

Luxurious pearl necklace made of multicolored pearls and beads in Swarovski style

Luxury bracelet made of beads and smooth pieces of elastic crystal

Magnesite (Howlite white) necklace with tassel

Magnesite (Howlite white) oval necklace

Magnesite (Howlite white) roundel necklace

Magnesite (White Howlite) necklace made of cut beads

Magnesite (White Howlite) necklace made of large nuggets

Magnesite pendant Heart 1.5 cm

Magnesite pendant Heart 1.6 cm

Magnesite pendant in the shape of a heart

Massage roller face roller vibrating with obsidian

Meditation cushion golden color Lotus

Meditation cushion purple with elephants

Meditation pillow for the 7th chakra

Meditation pillow Symbol Om with the symbols of the seven chakras

Merkaba star crystal pendant

Mix gemstone bracelet made of ovals

Moonstone bracelet and earring set

Moonstone bracelet chopped extra AA quality

Moonstone bracelet cut with a zircon cross

Moonstone bracelet cut with chakra beads

Moonstone brown raw

Moonstone luxury beaded bracelet with AA quality rhinestones

Moonstone ring elastic

Moonstone ring elastic with glass seed beads

Moonstone tambled pendant 1.8 - 2.4 cm

Moonstone white raw

Mother of pearl polished smoking bowl

Necklace made of wooden beads with amethyst

Necklace made of wooden beads with multicolor fluorite

Obsidian black massage roller in pink gold color

Olivine Tree of Life crystal pendant

Onyx Buddha had a chakra bracelet

Opalite cut bead necklace

Opalite fashion pendant in the form of a cat

Orgonite chakra ball with power symbol

Orgonite chakra heart pendant with semiprecious stones

Orgonite chakra pendant with half moon semi-precious stones

Orgonite chakra pendant with heart semi-precious stones

Orgonite chakra pendant with oval semi-precious stones

Orgonite chakra pendant with round semiprecious stones

Orgonite chakra pendant with semi-precious stones and Tree of Life

Orgonite chakra pendant with semi-precious stones circle

Orgonite chakra pendant with semi-precious stones drop

Orgonite chakra pendant with semiprecious stones and Flower of Life

Orgonite chakra pendant with star semi-precious stones

Orgonite heart pendant with amethyst

Orgonite pendant with amethyst and Flower of Life

Orgonite pendant with amethyst pentagon

Orgonite pyramid with amethyst and amethyst crystal

Orgonite pyramid with amethyst Runa Dagaz

Orgonite pyramid with amethyst Runa Pertho

Orgonite pyramid with amethyst Symbol Om

Paper gift box Drawer 7.8 cm

Passion of Love bracelet RB Design 79

Paua shell polished smoking bowl 12 - 16 cm

Pearl black stud earrings

Pearl bracelet with colored pearls and cubic zirconia drawstring

Pearl bracelet with copper wires and cubic zirconia

Pearl bracelet with copper wires and cubic zirconia drawstring

Pearl peach stone earrings

Pearl pearl earrings

Pearl plum stone earrings

Pearl white stud earrings

Pearl-white lotus candlestick Extra

Pendant Glass heart with crystal

Phosphosiderite drummed Peru

Phosphosiderite raw Peru

Plate bracelet with pieces of amethyst

Purple Amethyst Bracelet and Earrings Set

Purpurite raw

Purpurite raw Namibia

Purpurite raw Portugal box

Pyrite polished oval - massage felt

Quartz pebbles with a burr

Quartz Tangier Crystal Brazil 1

Quartz Tangier crystal Brazil 2

Quartz tangier crystal Brazil 3

Quartz tangier crystal Brazil 4

Quartz Tangier Crystal Brazil 5

Rainbow fluorite drummed

Rainbow fluorite raw

Red garnet, purple amethyst, lilac kunzite with rose bracelet RB Design 151

Rose quartz agate Botswana and jadeite bracelet RB Design 102

Rose quartz cut bracelet made of disks

Rosewood Madagascar heart RS 1

Rosewood Madagascar heart RS 2

Scented Votive Calming Candle

Selenite bracelet made of beads 10 mm

Selenite guardian angel 4 cm

Selenite guardian angel 7.5 cm

Selenite tumbled roller

Set of bottles with semi-precious stones - decoration

Set of five bracelets - amethyst, rose gold, white jade

Set of three attractive amethyst bracelets

Set of three white howlite bracelets

Set of two pearl and amethyst bracelets

Set of two pearl and black agate bracelets

Set of two rainbow fluorite bracelets

Shiva conch Madagascar heart

Silver bottle - decorative bottle 3 cm

Silver bracelet with African amethysts Ag 925 014081 AFAM

Silver bracelet with African amethysts Ag 925 015955 AFAM

Silver bracelet with African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 029074 AFAM

Silver bracelet with multi-colored tourmalines Ag 925 015955 MT

Silver earrings with African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 014442 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 012889 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 014969 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 015915 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 016641 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 033750 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts Ag 925 08101 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 010906 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 011529 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 013834 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 016227 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 016771 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 019520 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 025297 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 025929 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 026339 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 031091 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 033780 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 045077 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 07539 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 08787 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 09312 AFAM

Silver earrings with cut Brazilian amethysts Ag 925 042031 BRAME

Silver earrings with cut Brazilian amethysts Ag 925 09813 BRAME

Silver earrings with cut Brazilian amethysts and zircons Ag 925 010645 BRAME

Silver earrings with cut Brazilian amethysts and zircons Ag 925 045303 BRAME

Silver earrings with cut Brazilian amethysts and zircons Ag 925 07539 BRAME

Silver earrings with cut crystals and zircons Ag 925 011529 CRI

Silver earrings with cut Pink amethysts Ag 925 033706 PAM

Silver earrings with cut Pink amethysts and zircons Ag 925 07539 PAM

Silver earrings with cut rainbow moonstones Ag 925 025929 RM

Silver earrings with cut rainbow moonstones Ag 925 033706 RM

Singing bowl for the crown chakra

Spinel black bracelet extra AA quality cut beads

Spinel black cut necklace 3.3 mm

Stichtit drummed

Stichtit purple pendant silver Ag 925 77748

Stichtit purple pendant silver Ag 925 77754

Stichtite ball 1

Stichtite ball 10

Stichtite ball 11

Stichtite ball 13

Stichtite ball 15

Stichtite ball 16

Stichtite ball 17

Stichtite ball 2

Stichtite ball 3

Stichtite ball 4

Stichtite ball 5

Stichtite ball 6

Stichtite ball 7

Stichtite ball 8

Stichtite ball 9

Stichtite spike - obelisk 1

Stichtite spike - obelisk 10

Stichtite spike - obelisk 12

Stichtite spike - obelisk 13

Stichtite spike - obelisk 14

Stichtite spike - obelisk 15

Stichtite spike - obelisk 2

Stichtite spike - obelisk 3

Stichtite spike - obelisk 4

Stichtite spike - obelisk 5

Stichtite spike - obelisk 6

Stichtite spike - obelisk 7

Stichtite spike - obelisk 8

Stichtite spike - obelisk 9

Strontyanite drummed

Sun and Moonstone, Lepidolite and Jadeite Bracelet RB Design 186

Sun crystal cut by stalactite pendant white

Sun stone, jadeite and agate bracelet RB Design 164

Sun stone, lepidolite and agate bracelet RB Design 183

Talc stand for Chakra solar plexus incense sticks

Talc Stand for Crown Chakra Incense Sticks

Talc Stand for Incense Sticks Heart Chakra

Talc stand for incense sticks Root Chakra

Talc stand for incense sticks Sacral Chakra

Talc stand for incense sticks Throat chakra

Talc stand for Third Eye Chakra incense sticks

The Amethyst Buddha wore a chakra bracelet

Topaz blue bracelet extra AA quality cut beads

Topaz white bracelet extra AA quality cut beads

Tree of life talc stand for incense sticks

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 1

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 2

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 3

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 4

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 5

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 6

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 7

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 8

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 9

Violet quartz pendant Heart 2.4 cm

Votive chakra scented candle in glass for the 7th chakra

White agate necklace made of cut beads

White agate necklace made of large nuggets

White cracked agate with ulexite bracelet RB Design 118

White drummed opal

White pearl bracelet with amethyst and butterfly

White pearl bracelet with pearl chain

White pearl bracelet with red jasper and butterfly

Women's pearl bracelet pearls 9 mm