Crystal curtains for Feng Shui
A dazzling collection of Feng-Shui colored crystal window shades to improve the flow of positive energy and harmonize the seven main chakras. Feng Shui window decorations made of cut crystal glass shapes help to activate the blessed effects of light, wind and water on our home, garden and workplace. The result will be a pleasant living environment in which we can feel relaxed and good in all circumstances. The shades of color of these crystals are brilliant and mesmerizing in themselves. Sunlight shimmering on the cut edges of Feng Shui crystals enhances their color effect and creates a sparkling play of colors that evoke feelings of well-being, peace and balance. If you also want to purchase individual Feng Shui crystals, you can find their wide range here .

Lotus flower Feng Shui window curtain made of colored crystals and metal

Tree of Life Feng Shui Hanging Seven Chakras

Feng Shui Angels chakra hinge to the window made of cut crystals and metal

Feng Shui curtain Ginko leaves with rainbow crystal

Owl and ball Feng Shui window curtain made of metal and iridescent crystal

Dragonfly Feng Shui window curtain made of metal with crystal

Feng Shui curtain with rainbow crystals Butterfly and leaf

Butterfly and ball Feng Shui curtain to the window of metal and rainbow crystal

Tree of life chakra Feng Shui window curtain made of metal and rainbow crystal

Feng Shui Curtain with Rainbow Crystals Amethyst Moon

Feng Shui crystal leaf suncatcher with colorful chakra crystals

Heart Chakra Feng Shui Hanging with Tree of Life

Chakra drop Feng Shui window curtain made of glass and rainbow crystal

Wealth and prosperity Feng Shui window curtain made of cut crystals

Drop chakra Feng Shui window curtain made of glass with a rainbow drop

Prosperity and blessings of Feng Shui cut into the window of cut red crystals