Esoterics or esotericism is a term that can be interpreted in different ways. However, we can say that this is knowledge passed on in a narrow circle of people. These include astrology, astral travel, numerology, but also Feng Shui and the teaching of meditation, chakras and energies. If you are interested in this area, you are in the right place. We have prepared a rich offer focused on esoterics and so-called healing stones .
You can find energy jewelry , silver jewelry or chakra candles that focus on chakra harmonization. With chakra jewelry and candles, you can unblock blocked chakras and balance them. We also offer Feng Shui tools and decorations, such as Feng Shui crystals, images and DNS spirals.
you can also try our amulets . Amulets were already used by our ancestors and were very popular with Egyptians, Chinese and Celts. In our offer you can find Egyptian and Celtic amulets, pentagrams and hexagrams .
Last but not least, you will find pendulums and other esoteric aids, such as pyramids made of so-called healing stones, massage stones, spikes, massage wands and much more.

Feng Shui leaf cut crystal clear 5 cm

Hamsa Pyramid Orgonite with crystal crystal

Aventurine green pendulum

Orgonite chakra ball with power symbol

Hamsa Orgonite Pyramid with Amethyst

Rudraksha Chakra Bracelet with Om Pendant

Orgonite pyramid with amethyst and obsidian ball

Ring for the witch Moonstone

Tiger's Eye Orgonite Pyramid Olivine Tree of Life

Feng Shui Crystal Pyramid

Feng Shui pendant Heart of crystal

Chakra set of semiprecious cubes with chakra symbols

Ring for the witch Self-Love

Lotus flower for Feng Shui made of rainbow crystal medium

Orgonite pendant crystal with amethyst and crystal

Feng Shui curtain with rainbow crystals Leaf with amethysts

Drop of Feng Shui cut crystal

Chakra candle Extra in glass with the scent of cedar and honeysuckle

Chakra set of stones with chakra symbols in a wooden box

Head of the Buddha Thai figurine made of polyresin brown 20 cm