Feng Shui chimes
Our Feng Shui wind chimes are a wonderful addition to any porch, patio or garden, whether natural or winter. But you can hang them up for fun and decoration in the interior as well. They use the breeze to play magical tones, and even the slightest movement of air turns silence into soothing sounds that help you enjoy moments of rest, relaxation, meditation and help you get rid of the worries of everyday life in your favorite spaces, helping to induce the necessary peace and pleasant thoughts . With their tones, they suppress the negative energy of the space, suppress stress and nervousness, induce a feeling of much-needed calm after a busy day. They enable you to find balance and a sense of perfect harmony, suppress negative energy, and supply positive energy wherever it is lacking.
Chimes are a Feng Shui element that allows the flow of chi energy that brings happiness, joy, wealth and longevity.

Japanese wind chime Glass bell

Set of three Japanese wind chimes Glass bells

Set of metal carillons Butterfly with bell and tubes