GEMINI (Twins)
May 22 to June 21
Gemini is an air sign, ruled by the planet Mercury. They are characterized by a double, fluctuating nature and fondness for opposites. People born under this sign are bright and highly intelligent and tend to be multi-talented.
Gemstones for the sign of Gemini are: agate, aquamarine, amethyst, aventurine, apophyllite, citrine, chalcedony, chrysoberyl, chrysocol, chrysoprase, amber, calcite, carnelian, crystal with tourmaline, obsidian, rose gold, sapphire, sardonyx, serpentine, sagenite, topaz , tourmaline (green), tiger's eye, turquoise, vltavine (moldavite).

Amber beads for children polished in the color of cognac with a mix of semi-precious stones

Amber beads for children chakra

Orgonite chakra pyramid in the shape of a cone

Amber beads for children satin cognac with aquamarine

Amber beads for children satin-finished in the color of cognac chakra

Amber multicolor bracelet with rosary for children

Orgonite hexagon chakra pendant with semi-precious stones

Turquoise chopped necklace wide

Crystal pendant Tree of Life 3 cm

Bronzite bracelet AA quality 10 mm

Lucky tree amber B1

Amber multicolor bracelet with amethyst for children

Hawk eye beaded bracelet

Cognac colored amber beads with amethyst for children

Tiger's eye rondelka bracelet tightening

Amber beads for children polished in the color of chakra cherry

Amber natural bracelet beads multicolor

Tiger eye exclusive designer necklace

Tiger's, bull's and falcon's eye cut bracelet with extra plate ovals

Orgonite Grand Chakra Pyramid