IntroductionHealing and precious stonesHealing stones according to the sign of the zodiac

Healing stones according to the sign of the zodiac

Since time immemorial, it has been believed that certain precious stones are closely associated with the sign of the zodiac. If we choose a suitable stone, its healing power and energy will affect us much better than others. When choosing, we should therefore assume that different types of precious stones are suitable for each sign. For example, according to tradition, amethyst is ideal for Pisces , while garnet is ideal for Leo .

On our website you will find stones clearly sorted by sign so that you can easily find what you are looking for. When choosing a suitable precious stone, we should be guided mainly by intuition. So it is possible that the "true" stone may fall under another sign, but that doesn't matter at all. If you are not sure when choosing, you can choose one of the stones that we recommend for the given zodiac sign.

0 €
670 €
Labradorite Polished Madagascar 69
Select quality polished labradorite from Madagascar. Labradorite encourages confidence, intuition and perseverance.

Labradorite Polished Madagascar 69

approx. 3,3 x 5,8 cm, 85,2 g
not in stock
11.96 €
Colorful jasper beaded bracelet
A bracelet made of colorful jasper beads has a supportive and harmonizing effect, absorbs negative energies, and provides strength to fulfill goals

Colorful jasper beaded bracelet

circumference approx. 16 to 20 cm
not in stock
5.75 €
Tiger's eye, sunstone and onyx men's bracelet RB Design 196
Attractive men's bracelet made of sunstone, tiger's eye and onyx. An exceptional bracelet for an exceptional man.

Tiger's eye, sunstone and onyx men's bracelet RB Design 196

circuit approx. 18 to 23 cm
not in stock
11.53 €
Libyan glass Egypt 8
Libyan glass of choice quality from Egypt. Tektite is used to promote strong will and determination.

Libyan glass Egypt 8

1,9 x 2,9 cm
not in stock
53.57 €
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