IntroductionHealing and precious stonesHealing stones according to the sign of the zodiac

Healing stones according to the sign of the zodiac

Since time immemorial, it has been believed that certain precious stones are closely associated with the sign of the zodiac. If we choose a suitable stone, its healing power and energy will affect us much better than others. When choosing, we should therefore assume that different types of precious stones are suitable for each sign. For example, according to tradition, amethyst is ideal for Pisces , while garnet is ideal for Leo .

On our website you will find stones clearly sorted by sign so that you can easily find what you are looking for. When choosing a suitable precious stone, we should be guided mainly by intuition. So it is possible that the "true" stone may fall under another sign, but that doesn't matter at all. If you are not sure when choosing, you can choose one of the stones that we recommend for the given zodiac sign.

0 €
670 €
Extra oval carnelian pendant
An oval-shaped carnelian pendant is said to bring courage, calmness, patience, harmony and a positive outlook on life.

Extra oval carnelian pendant

approx. 2.7 cm
in stock
5.75 €4.31 €
Discount -25%
Moon pendant with semi-precious stones in the colors of the chakras
Attractive moon pendant with semi-precious stones in the colors of the chakras to harmonize their energy.

Moon pendant with semi-precious stones in the colors of the chakras

approx. 4,7 cm
in stock
3.82 €2.86 €
Discount -25%
Jasper kambaba bracelet beads matte 8 mm
Kambaba jasper ball bracelet. Kambaba is a very energizing stone that, according to tradition, activates our root and heart chakras.

Jasper kambaba bracelet beads matte 8 mm

circuit approx. 16 - 22 cm
in stock
5.75 €4.31 €
Discount -25%
Orgonite pendant with amethyst, aventurine and Tree of Life
Orgonite pendant in the shape of a circle with natural amethyst and aventurine with the Tree of Life allegedly suppresses negative influences around its wearer, has a strong protective and cleansing power.

Orgonite pendant with amethyst, aventurine and Tree of Life

approx. 4 cm
in stock
9.60 €7.20 €
Discount -25%
Key ring with a heart made of fluorite
A heart-shaped fluorite key ring brings truth, protection and peace. It relieves stress and anxiety, supports the spirit, body and mind.

Key ring with a heart made of fluorite

stone approx. 2.5 cm
in stock
3.28 €2.46 €
Discount -25%
Obsidian flake patty
Obsidian flake patty is suitable for reducing stress, brings peace and harmony, protects against evil and negativity

Obsidian flake patty

approx. 3 - 4 cmapprox.4 - 5 cm
in stock
3.47 €2.60 €
Discount -25%
Amber beads for children with amethyst and rosary
Charming and very attractive amber beads for children with amethyst and rosary are said to bring relief to children from headaches, teeth, neck and neck. Amber reduces fever.

Amber beads for children with amethyst and rosary

approx. 32 cm
in stock
15.39 €11.54 €
Discount -25%
Agate moss green raw India
Raw moss agate from India. Mossy agate is traditionally strongly connected with nature, it is said to have the ability to restore disturbed balance, refreshes the soul and shows everything beautiful around.

Agate moss green raw India

EXTRA LARGE - approx. 6 - 8 cmSUPER LARGE - approx. 8 - 11 cm
in stock
5.40 €4.05 €
Discount -25%
Labradorite tumbled A quality
Labradorite is a traditional stone of protection and transformation. Used as a talisman, it is said to suppress fear, uncertainty, remnants of old disappointments, and strengthen self-belief.

Labradorite tumbled A quality

XL - approx. 3 - 4 cm+2 versions
in stock
13.88 €10.41 €
Discount -25%
Chakra pendant made of semi-precious stones ball with chain
The beautiful chakra pendant in the shape of a ball with semi-precious stones for harmonizing the chakras recharges and harmonizes the energies of the seven main chakras.

Chakra pendant made of semi-precious stones ball with chain

approx 2 cm
in stock
7.67 €5.76 €
Discount -25%
Fluorite multicolor bracelet with glittering applications
The bracelet made of multicolored fluorite beads and glittering applications made of metal and beads relieves stress and anxiety, supports the mind and body.

Fluorite multicolor bracelet with glittering applications

circuit approx. 16 to 21 cm
in stock
11.15 €7.07 €
Discount -37%
Key ring with sodalite heart size M
A key ring with a heart made of sodalite suppresses mental and emotional confusion, adds courage.

Key ring with sodalite heart size M

stone approx. 2 cm
in stock
3.82 €2.86 €
Discount -25%
Hematite bracelet titanium aura Hearts
Rainbow bracelet made of hematite titanium aura hearts. Brighten up your day with this beautiful colorful bracelet.

Hematite bracelet titanium aura Hearts

circuit approx 18 to 23 cm
in stock
3.82 €2.86 €
Discount -25%
Sardonyx tumbled stone
Drummed sardonyx. Sardonyx is considered a stone of strength and protection. As an amulet, it is said to bring happiness and stability to partnerships or marriages, and gives joy.

Sardonyx tumbled stone

L - approx. 2,5 - 3 cm+2 versions
in stock
3.86 €2.89 €
Discount -25%
Moonstone spike octagon
Moonstone is a traditional stone believed to enhance intuition, attract love, and help successfully resolve relationship problems. It ensures peaceful sleep.

Moonstone spike octagon

40- 59 g+2 versions
in stock
15.39 €11.54 €
Discount -25%
Chakra beaded bracelet Buddha Mala
Buddha Mala chakra bracelet for the harmonization of all chakras. It is used to calm the mind, suppress stress and tension, to promote positive energy.

Chakra beaded bracelet Buddha Mala

circumference approx. 17 to 23 cm
in stock
8.83 €4.95 €
Discount -44%
Amethyst pendant extra oval
An amethyst pendant is said to have a strong supporting and purifying power, banishes insomnia and nightmares, brings peaceful sleep,

Amethyst pendant extra oval

approx. 2.7 cm
in stock
6.13 €4.60 €
Discount -25%
Agni manitite tektite 4 g
Agni manitite - a rare tektite, whose age is assumed to be about 700,000 years. It is a stone of courage and confidence and helps ignite the spark of life.

Agni manitite tektite 4 g

approx. 4 g
in stock
9.64 €4.23 €
Discount -56%
Japa Mala necklace red wood
A beautiful expressive Japa Mala necklace made of red wood for calming the mind and meditation.

Japa Mala necklace red wood

approx. 52 cm
in stock
3.05 €2.29 €
Discount -25%
Agate black crystal pendant with flowers
Black agate pendant. Black crystals and minerals are traditionally considered protective talismans.

Agate black crystal pendant with flowers

approx. 5,3 cm
in stock
7.67 €5.76 €
Discount -25%
Amethyst pendulum
According to folk traditions, the amethyst pendulum has a strong supporting and cleansing power, banishes insomnia and nightmares, banishes stress, protects

Amethyst pendulum

length 3 cm
in stock
9.99 €7.49 €
Discount -25%
Rose quartz pebble with an edge
Rose quartz - a pebble made of abrasive stone from Brazil. Rose quartz is a symbol of love, beauty and healing. It is said to stimulate life energy with its color. It is said to help with long-term illnesses...

Rose quartz pebble with an edge

XL - approx. 3 - 4 cmXXL - approx. 4 - 5 cm
in stock
3.47 €2.60 €
Discount -25%
Crystal and amethyst chopped bracelet
According to folk tradition, an attractive bracelet made of pieces of crystal and amethyst allegedly protects against everything bad and negative. It is said to suppress stress and strengthen fidelity and love.

Crystal and amethyst chopped bracelet

obvod cca 17 až 22 cm
in stock
2.28 €1.71 €
Discount -25%
Quantum quattro tumbled mineral of Namibia
Drummed quantum quattro from Namibia. Quantum quattro is a crystal of truth, communication and intuition, it has a loving and protective energy.

Quantum quattro tumbled mineral of Namibia

L - approx. 2,5 - 3 cmXL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
10.41 €7.81 €
Discount -25%
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