IntroductionMagazineHints and tips about stonesHow to care for amber

How to care for amber


Ten "golden" rules to care for amber to keep it in perfect, unchanging condition

  1. Never leave amber in direct sunlight.
  2. Protect your amber from too cold or too hot water.
  3. If you wear amber as jewelry, before you wear it, apply perfume or hairspray first and do not spray it on the amber.
  4. Never soak your hands with amber jewelry in water for too long (washing dishes, laundry).
  5. Put away your amber jewelry before cleaning the apartment.
  6. Store amber away from other jewelry.
  7. Clean your jewelry after each wear.
  8. Never use an ultrasonic or steam cleaner for cleaning.
  9. Clean the amber with a flannel or cotton cloth using slightly warm soapy water.
  10. Polish the amber using a soft cloth and olive oil.

You will also read about amber, its properties and uses: Amber its properties and uses

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"IMPORTANT NOTICE TO OUR READERS AND BUYERS: Please be aware that the use of precious stones and/or minerals is not an alternative to conventional medical treatment! In case you have symptoms of any illness, always seek your general practitioner or an outpatient specialist! Please note that there no minerals or precious stones can have a physical effect against cancer, leukaemia or any other malignant diseases, or diseases that may have negative impact on health. Please be strongly advised that all information presented herein, as well as any information on any page at the website that informs about metaphysical properties of precious stones, semi-precious stones and minerals that are referred to as ""healing"" stones in folk myths and traditions, is for informational purposes only, coming from commonly known sources of information. The sources are millennia-old myths and traditions regarding the use of minerals and precious stones in folk healing, published in mass media (both printed and online), as well as commonly available literature - books where the assumed effects on the human body and psyche are published. This information, widespread in society, is not a guide to bypassing conventional treatment through scientifically proven medical procedures and medical preparations with proven effects. With few exceptions, the so-called ""healing"" powers of minerals and precious stones, as well as products made from and with them, are not in any way scientifically proven and stem solely from folk tradition and myths."

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